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We picked up our loot from Caucus' large stack and headed back to the ship. We traveled in quietude, none of us wanting to or able to muster a single word. Waves of emotions crashed through me, as it did for most of my friends. Amethyst was silently sobbing while Alexander looked like he'd seen a ghost, his face unmoving. Geneva was trying to hold it together and when Oman saw Kai's limp body, he began bawling on the ground.

Guilt built up inside of me as I stared at Kai once again. Everyone else began going back to their cabins, defeated and sad. I stayed behind though, unable to contain or stop my rampant thoughts.

This was all my fault. I had brought Kai on this quest despite what the prophecy had said. If I had just ignored Kai and chosen someone else, he would be back at camp, safe and sound.

I was the worst.

You're the best, a voice said inside my head. It was Kai's voice.

The memory came back to me. Kai and I were both in our pegasus riding class. We were preparing to ride the horses, and then Kai had asked for my help, so I reluctantly said yes. I remembered his terrible positioning on his horse, and laughing at him about it. After fixing his posture, I taught him how to hold the reins properly. After we raced each other - a race I won in a landslide - he thanked me for teaching him and said I was the best, with us sharing a few laughs before splitting.

Then, I flashed back to reality. A reality in which memories like that would never be made again. Despite what Kai had said, I was not the best. Those dreams I had had earlier, the ones where Kai ridiculed mercilessly, were all true now. His death, along with every other important, meaningful person such as Marianne or the campers that died during the fight with Ares, was because of me.

Kai - and Amethyst - had changed my life. Three months ago, right after Marianne had died at the hands of an empousa, I was brought to camp by the Birchwood twins and my life was completely changed. I found a new family, had friends, and finally felt content for the first time in four long years. The twins' kindness and willingness to help me carried me to where I am today, and I'm eternally grateful for what they did for me.

But now I would never be able to express my gratitude to Kai. I understood so much more of what Geneva was going through now, about not being able to get closure with someone really important to you.

That made me feel even more guilty. Not just because of the deaths of Kai, Arthur, Marianne, all the campers lost in the fight with Ares, or my dad. Because of the idea that I didn't help Geneva enough with what she was going through even despite all the adversity I've faced with loss and grief. That I had not only failed Kai and failed Marianne, but that, even now, I was failing Geneva.

A shaky breath parted from my mouth as I looked back at Kai's corpse, holding back more tears. I prayed to Olympus that Kai would end up in a good place and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I then headed down to the bottom deck, wanting to bury myself in my blanket and just weep.

As I walked down the stairs, slowly going step by step, I heard faint cries from Amethyst's room and the beating down of a pillow from Geneva's. Everyone's doors, apart from Kai's and mine, were closed.

A voice behind me then said, "Boo."

I suddenly whirled around, punching at whatever had spoken. When I saw who I had just punched, I gasped.

It was Kai. He was alive - though he was now on the floor and had a bloody nose.

"Guys, come! Kai is alive!" I exclaimed with happiness, surprise, and anger at him for scaring me.

Everyone rushed down to where I was and began bombarding Kai with hugs and comments.

When we gave him space, Kai groaned and said, "Oh my gods, I have the worst headache. Did someone happen to explain Inception to me? I will never understand that movie."

The Rise of Erebos: The Chained GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now