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Timmy, Alexander, and I got off the couches and exited the cave from the back, which was similarly draped in leaves from the outside.

We entered the forest behind Epimetheus' den. I was not at all surprised to find that it looked the exact same as the rest of the island, with big trees, scattered logs, and wood across the floor, and zero wildlife, at least from what I was seeing.

"So, where exactly are we going to find a set of bananas here?" I asked.

"You mean ripe bananas?" Alexander said.

Timmy snorted. "Yeah, we're not going to find ripe bananas, at least on this island. I don't even think Epimetheus knows what a ripe banana is."

"Or deodorant for that matter," I muttered.

The three of us chuckled as we scoured the trees for bananas. I don't know how long we were searching for bananas exactly, but I can confidently say it was long enough for us to become extremely tired and a fair bit crazy.

"No way have we been searching for bananas for five hours," Timmy groaned.

"As the old saying goes, time really flies when you're not having fun," Alexander said.

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm pretty sure it's the other way around."

"Well, disagree to agree," he replied.

"You've also got that backwards - nevermind," Timmy said.

After another minute of searching the trees for bananas, I heard a sound behind me, one that sounded rather suspiciously like one of movement.

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked.

Timmy nodded. "Yeah. Let's check it out."

We heard the noise once again, this time the sound coming from the trees. We waited patiently for another noise, and this time saw whatever was making the sound.

It was a brown-furred monkey, carrying a banana in its hand.

"Woah! You think we could adopt that thing?!" Alexander asked hopefully.

"Yeah, whatever," I said. "Right after we beat it down for its banana. I'll pursue it in the air, you two flank from below."

Using my fire, I boosted myself up into a sustained flight and followed after the monkey. My flying style was akin to that of Iron Man, though without the cool technology.

I followed the monkey through many stretches of the forest, the animal continually going tree to tree using vines. The speed I was going at, I couldn't make out where Timmy and Alexander were - meaning I well and truly might be on my own and had to be careful.

I eventually got within closing distance of the monkey and stretched out my right hand to grab it, my left hand still propelling me upwards. The monkey took a look back, seeing me behind it, and jumped to the side.

Unable to control my momentum and my left hand failing to keep me upwards, I smacked into the branch and fell down, bumping my back on multiple branches and getting leaves all over my body.

When I landed on the ground, I was met with a large group of brown-furred monkeys, a stash of bananas just piled on top. Upon my landing, the monkeys jumped back in fear.

I realized they were looking at my sword, which had landed a few feet ahead of me when I fell. I tried reaching for it, wanting to use it to scare off the monkeys, but a duo of the creatures took it within their paws and hauled it off to the side.

Then one of the monkeys, wearing a green leaf on its head as if it had just graduated high school, walked towards me and started speaking monkey, or whatever language they speak. Was it speaking in Banana or Red-Butt? I had no clue the difference between them, just that there was one, according to Alexander.

The Rise of Erebos: The Chained GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now