intro (:

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  Hey there, so a bit of an explaination, I want to give you a gift! And I know we can't send things to each other, but if you're reading this at the right time than, well, you just turned 14! And we've known each other since we were both like, 9? 10? That's- holy shit that's almost 5 years! Well, I know I can't give you much other than a long ass book, so why wouldn't I give you a long as hell book?
   Should I explain further? You're literally someone that has known me more than anyone in my biological family, your out of this world and the chances of us meeting were most litterally a 1 in 28,000, yes, I did the math! And the chances of you reading that book on wattpad I'd started writing was 1 in 665 million out of the other stories you couldve read, and the fact that I saw your comment and decided to try and talk to you despite never being the person to message first is crazy-! I mean, the chances... And now you mean so much to me, your my best friend! I mean, we write together daily, check up on each other, talk about stupid crap, I mean I talk to you more than I talk to my family! I mean; almost everyday I question how lucky I am to know you!(the other days I'm just happy I do[: )
  Than we went on writing any talking and getting to know each other and ourselves and-damn, I'm almost starting to make it sound like an intro to our friendship. But I mean, it is important, as the stable beginning which would be the amazing support beams and foundation to the structure of our relationship(/p), we've built.
       You mean allot to me and I wish to show at least some of the appreciation I hold! I love you(/p) and really want to make sure I have given you something, so, I figured this would sorta be the way to do it! Words, words, and even more words (: I actually don't know fully how I'm doing this, but hey, I mean- I am! I'm figuring out out as I type away like the insomniac I am. I mean, after 4 years of friendship? Hell that's longer than I've been able to keep most of my IRL friends!
     Now, I know you're gonna say stuff (again) of how I didn't have to do anything and blah blah blah, but I really wanted to-, I mean, really. So, shush (:

This being said, this book of a present will be a tad difficult, as this has multiple parts and idk if I'll just publish everything at once to give to you or if I'll publish a party every couple hours but hey! A present to you from the one and only, Mwuah.

     Don't go onto this account to cheat and read ahead (if I release parts every few hours that is)
     Please don't expect me to be 100% accountable to making sure I get this posted as I don't know where I'll be at this point out of I'll have consistent wifi
     Have a very happy birthday!

Side note- I'm releasing it all at once

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