thank you

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Hey comet! I wanna thank you.. for allot of things actually;
Thank you for talking to me when I'm at my lowest to my highest, your messages make me smile and seeing em pop up (even if I hadn't seen em immediately) always mean allot! Thanks for giving !e advice, telling me to cut the strings against my ex when they really were mentally fucking me up. Thanks for writing with me! Thanks for helping me with opportunities and making me take the. Thanks for helping me find myself and dealing with my dumbass trying to find out my labels and my name, my pronouns, where I fit in the lgbtq comunity, how to find myself, helping me overall be who I am.

Thanks for being someone special to me, I really apriciate you and you helping me through so much. Through you being yourself and opening up to me about many things you've helped me find myself and things I like, finding out who I am and what I really want to be.

I mean if you haven't realized yet, your dorky personality and put stupid conversations have helped me in so many ways, I mean, I really hoped I've helped you too. I love the fact that we could talk for hours without getting bored and that we managed to talk whenever, I mean, even when we couldn't talk for months at a time we still managed to pick up our conversation and make sure that we still stayed in touch.

Your one of the reasons I haven't cut the string that forces living and life, you are actual more than a reason as your one of the main factors. You did so much for me, Comet. And I truly cherish our friendship as it is something I've kept like hidden treasure-only difference is that I didn't plant it on a map and mark it with an X because I don't want it to be something stolen as many won't find a friendship, our shared treasure, much like the one we have.

Thank you for never leaving and being someone consistent, thank you for writing with me, thank you for being my best friend, thank you for giving me confidence, dealing with me at my worst, and most importantly I thank you for sticking around and becoming the most important person in my life.

To My Lovely Dear CcometWhere stories live. Discover now