our times talking

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We've talked about so much, where do I even start? You make me feel like I can tell you anything about me and you won't give me shit or use the information for anything bad, all you've ever done with what we've said it's support but let's be real, we've spoke of this, I mean, you've never made me uncomfortable, I always have fun talking to you- with this being said, we should probably get started huh?

  We've had a load of funny conversations and jokeful plans, ( one thing sticking out that you asked me what a prat was,) most of these conversations with holding funny moments, complete and utter confusion, jokes about how anyone would think we're dating, y'know, usual stuff, but what are the more little things that are still funny as hell?

Maybe the fact we've talked about getting a professional chef for our wedding one day to make Japanese desserts?

Or that your honeymoon gift is a husky that is a well trained assassin?

I'm short

What about, " (idk should I give em some more angst? They've gone about 5 paragraphs without) ,"

Or our ending "author crack" to finish off a good chapter?

"Hey shawty"


Ah, the good stuff.

While we have this tho- I mean, it's crazy how many conversations we've had mutually in these past, almost, 5 years.
It's kinda strange to think about it I'm being honest.

Hey, so I once again can't sleep (no surprise as to which what just happened) but this is actually me writing this directly after we just spoke for the first time and- I must say, you're even more lovely to talk to than to message, and you were my favorite person to message before we had ever spoke! You made me feel safe as we said random shit, got to talk about the fact it's been almost 5 years, how we litterally only started talking because of sander sides (no specific details rn now public lol) and like- it's bizzare! We talked about reading and maybe getting to send things to each other and so much more that I can't even describe how crazy this feels. We joked around about how we're totally dating and we are each other's beloveds. It's crazy. Istg Ily.

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