The Results

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Trigger Warning: Suicide Attempt

Phillips POV

"I'm not pregnant it's negative." I drop to my knees sobbing.

As soon as everyone was done be excited that I wasn't with child my dad walked in. Oh shit.

"Oh.. he..hey dad." I stutter

"Why is John and George here. I waited for you after school." He said angrily

"Dad I-" I'm cut off

"Why is there a pregnancy test in your hand?" He yelled.

"Uhh uhh." I couldn't form words

And at that moment George knew he fucked up

"George you have 2 seconds to get out of my house." He yells


"Babe run."

"AHHHHH." He screams


"Phillip go up to your room right now I don't want to see you." He says.

He's really angry with me. I disappointed my dad. Like always. I can never do anything right. I just want him to love me. It seems that that's difficult for him. Maybe it would be better if I wasn't here. Everyone would be happier if I was gone. Dad, John, even George.

"God I'm such a fuck up." I yell and punch a wall.

Soon I'm walking into my bathroom and locking the door. I pick up my razor and stare at it. I don't want to do this but everyone will be happy. I'm crying to the point that I can't breathe. I run the water.

Alex's POV.

"What the hell happened here." I yell

"Alex calm down. I took care of it. You didn't have to yell at him like that."

"Oh so now your going to tell me how to raise my kid John." I spat

"Really Alex you literally yelled at him like he wasn't your son." John spat back.

"Are you serious, ever since he got with that kid he's been in more trouble."

"You know Phillip is a good kid but you want to know something else Alexander. Kids are going to go behind your back to get what they want. Yes Phillip had sex. He's not pregnant can you be a little happy."

"No John I won't be a little happy." I rolled my eyes

"What's been going on with you lately." John questions



"Yes really John. I'm going to go check on Phillip."

"I'll come with you."

Me and John walk upstairs to Phillips room. I knock once on the door no answer. So I proceed to open the door and he's not in there. I hear water running from his bathroom.

"Phillip honey let's talk." No reply

"Phillip it's John we want to talk with you." John says. Still no reply.

Phillips POV.

"Maybe this is how it's supposed to be" I sigh

I lay on the floor after slitting my wrist. Soon I hear banging on the door. Their too late. Their always too late.

"Phillip it's John open the door." I don't reply the pain is unbearable. 

"Phillip it's dad open the door."

I just lay there. My breathing is getting worse and the lights look dull. Soon John is busting through the door. And I'm laying here. Blacked out.

John and Alex's POV together.

"OMG PHILLIP" we bot yelled.

"Call 911." John says. "Call 911." We both sob

Phillips POV

"If only I could've been enough. I wasn't enough."

A/N: sorry for such a sad freaking chapter. It'll all make sense soon. Um vote and comment. I want to speed the story along so next next will be a year after this incident. ❤️

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