Nine- Quidditch

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Tom was in the stands, cheering on the Slytherin team. So far they were tied, but with Harry riding a Nimbus 2000, it was hard to tell who would win...

Tom really didn't care that much about the sport. If there was hexing involved, maybe it'd be more exciting. But alas, there wasn't any. So instead, he was forced to sit there and cheer when his team scored, and boo when the Gryffindors did.

Tom watched as Harry moved with ease on his broomstick, as if flying was second-nature for him.

"And I believe that Potter's spotted the snitch!" Lee Jordan shouted through his megaphone.

Harry had indeed spotted the small, golden, fluttering ball! He zipped towards the ground, his hand outstretched hoping to catch it.


Terrence Higgs, a 2nd Year and the Slytherin Seeker, knocked into Harry, forcing the 1st Year to roll over on his broomstick. Yet somehow Harry still managed to keep the snitch in his sights!

The two Seekers were neck-to-neck! Angelina and Katie had just scored another goal! And the crowd in the stands were going wild, shouting encouragement to their Seeker.

Harry had seemed to have decided that sitting on his broom wasn't good enough. He lowered it just a few inches from the ground, and balanced on it, his hand grabbing madly at the snitch.

And then Terrence came out of nowhere, and collided with Harry a second time, knocking both of them to the ground!

"FOUL!" Lee yelled. "Penalty shot to Gryffindor!"

But it didn't matter.

Harry sat up, and shot his arm up in the air.


Harry's teammates landed and lifted Harry onto their shoulders. The other Gryffindors ran down the stands to congratulate their team.

Tom remained right next to Draco, doing his duty to his House. Someone in Gryffindor shouted something about a party in their Common Room. Harry searched for Tom in the mass of students, but Tom was already several yards ahead, making his way back to the castle.


With Christmas fast approaching, the students at Hogwarts were getting in the festive mood, which meant that their attention was suddenly elsewhere during lessons. The students chattered excitedly about their plans: Going back home for the first time in four months; Visiting relatives; What presents they were hoping to receive; How much they'd miss their friends for the two-week-long holiday.

Tom began distancing himself from his new friends.

He hated Christmas. And not just because the Dursleys had never given him and Harry presents, and had treated them especially terrible.

No, it was because it was so close to his birthday.

You see, Tom loved Harry's birthday. It was in the summer. And it was a day to celebrate Harry, and make him feel special. But Tom had grown to hate his own birthday the older he got, because it meant that he was getting one year closer to his death.

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