.-No rivals left-.

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Ryoba was on her 3rd year at Akademi High school. She recently fell inlove with a boy named Taro Yamada, or as Ayano likes to call him Senpai. She would do anything for him to notice her and to love her as a lover. That was until some girls started getting in the way, Ayano noticed that 10 girls at Akademi Highschool  had feelings for him. Ayano couldn't let them take him away, so she killed them all...Well.. Not all.. Ayano couldn't kill Hanako, that was Senpai's younger sister, and Ayano knew that if she got killed he would never be the same and Ayano wouldn't be able to stand seeing her senpai broken.. But.... Hanako wouldn't let Senpai have a girlfriend, so Ayano decided to try convince her, instead of killing her.



Ayano Aishi is talking with Hanako Yamada near the incinerator, she's trying to convince Hanako to let her older brother have a girlfriend, since she doesn't want him to. Because she thinks that if he does, he'll forget about her and'll stop loving her
She and Hanako had become friends since she was transferred from her school to Akademi, and Ayano knew she would be helpful to get closer to Senpai

But if Hanako didn't wanna listen to Ayano and let Senpai get a girlfriend... 

Killing her... Would be the only choice..


''What did you wanna talk to me about, Ayano-Chan?'' 

''I just... I wanted to try and convince you to let your brother get a girl..friend..''

''W-What?! I- Why would you say that! I- I don't want him to get a girlfriend!''

''But.. But what if he wants to get a girlfriend?''

''W-Well I won't allow it! Big brother will forget about me if he does!''

''Taro would never forget about you, Hanako''

''Y-Yes! He will! He'll stop giving me attention, and he'll forget about me..''

''How could he forget about you Hanako? You're his sister! You're always by his side''

''Well.. That is true..''

''You see, Hanako, Taro can't ever forget about you. You'll always be in his life no matter what''

''N-No! He can't! H-He'll leave me if he gets a girlfriend..''

''He would never!''

''W-Well.. I- I guess so.. I guess my big brother can have a girlfriend..''

''S-Speaking of girlfriends Ayano-Chan! You should be Taro's girfriend! You two are perfect for eachother''

''Haha.. Don't worry, he will be my boyfriend''

*Whether he likes it or not*

''That's good! Well I'm going to go to class now! Cya later Ayano-Chan!''

-Hanako heads to her class skipping-


Info: So you actually managed to convince her?

Yan-Chan: It was harder than expected..

Info: All that matters is that you did it..

Yan-Chan: Uhm.. Info

Info: Yes?

Yan-Chan: I just wanna say.. Thank you.. Thank you for helping me eliminate all my rivals, without you and your ideas I would have never been able to get this far

Sincerely MineWhere stories live. Discover now