.-Megami Saikou-.

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Ayano went out to her living room to wait for Megami and her bodyguard to arrive

And about an hour and 10 minutes has passed.. Ayano was getting impatient and was about to go to bed and leave it for tommorrow

Ayano was about to get up from her sofa and go to her room and sleep until there was a knock at her door.. Ayano looks through the key hole and saw it was Megami and her Bodyguard

Ayano opened the door and greeted them..

Ayano: Welcome, Megami and your.. Bodyguard

Megami: Hello.. Ayano Aishi

Ayano knew that everytime someone said her full name that something was coming, she found that out the hard way

Ayano knew something was coming, and it wasn't good. She kept an eye out for them to make sure they don't do anything..

Ayano: So.. Would you like some tea? Or perhaps.. Coffee

Megami: ..Anything would do

Megami: So.. Ayano, where are your parents?..

Ayano: They're just gone on a buissness trip.. Nothing big

Megami: I see, when will they be back?

Ayano: As soon as possible

Ayano knew the real reason they went away, but she can't tell Megami why, or it'll make her seem suspicious..

Ayano: Nice day.. Isn't it

Megami: You call a murderer on the loose at our school nice?

Ayano: I'm talking about the weather, silly..

Megami: *I know what you're up to..* Why yes.. The weather is nice

Ayano hands Megami a cup of iced coffee and sits down on the couch on the other side from Megami

Megami: So, you told me you have news on the murderer?

Ayano: Why yes, I do.. I have some files up in my room based on who I think it is..

Megami: Perfect, I'll send my bodyguard to go retrieve it and I'll scan through it

Megami: Alfred! Would you please go get the files of the murderer in Ayano Aishi's room

Alfred: Yes..

The guard walks up the stairs into Ayano's room-

5 Minutes pass and Megami's guard still hasn't come back..

Megami: Ayano.. My guard hasn't been back for the past 5 minutes

Ayano: I'll go check on him and bring the files down..

Ayano heads into her room and takes a out a knife from her back pokcet

Ayano sneaks up on the guard just as he was about to turn around and stabs him in the head.. The guard falls and Ayano catches him before he hits the ground and makes a loud noise

When Ayano got back downstairs she saw Megami standing, with a knife..

Megami: Drop the act, Ayano Aishi

Megami: I know you are the murderer of Akademi Highschool, and I will do EVERYTHING to make sure the students are protected from you!

Ayano: Why ever.. Would you think it's me?..

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