.-She Returns-.

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Taro: Sure! let's go


Ayano and Taro walk to the gymnasium discussing what the announcment could be about, once they get there the line up

Taro didn't want to stand next to people he didn't know so he grabbed Ayano's hand and took her to another line so they could be standing next to people they know

Ayano's face goes red when she realizes that her Senpai is holding her hand


GymCoach: Welcome all! As some of you may know, Student Council leader, Megami Saikou has returned after taking a break from school. She has come back and requested to share some important information..

Ayano's expression goes down, she had a hinch of what she thought the news might be about..


Megami: Hello, students of Akademi High. As you know I have returned to Akademi high, for good and I plan on staying.. But I have recieved some important news from my father. He has given me information on this school ever since I left, and I have now come back to say that there is a certain someone we aren't sure who. But this school isn't safe for some students! There is a student going around killing off people for the past 9 weeks. I want to warn you all to stay safe and to keep a look out for the killer.. I also forgot to mention that the killer is indeed stalking a boy who goes by the name... Taro Yamada..

Ayano's and Taro's expression goes to worried, Ayano thought she was busted. She can't get caught anymore, or she'll never be able to confess her love...

She looks to the side of her and see's Taro.. His face.. He looks.. Scared.. Ayano didn't want her Senpai to be scared of her, she wanted him to love her. Which is why she is going to protect him from anything that comes for him..

Megami: I'm sure some of you students have missed me

Megami says that as she winks at Taro

Ayano looks at taro and he's blushing

Was it because the students were looking at him or... Did he like her?..

It didn't matter, because Ayano was already mad

Megami: Well.. That concludes our assembly, remember, stay safe and keep an eye out for the murderer

The assembly ended and Ayano walks off without Taro

Taro looks around for Ayano so he can walk back with her, but he can't find her

Taro didn't like being in a bigger crowd than normal without someone he knew

Taro starts yelling out for Ayano's name so she can come find him

Taro: A-Ayano? Ayano!!

Ayano could hear Taro yelling out for her so she decides to turn back and look for him. Once the Gymnasium is cleared out a bit Ayano is able to find Taro

Ayano finds Taro and grabs his hand so they can get out of the big crowd of people

Ayano: Finally we got out of there

Taro: Haha.. Yea

Ayano: *Aside from that... HOW?! How did she find out about someone killing all the students and someone stalking Taro....*

Ayano: *I'll have to get rid of her.. And fast*

Ayano tries to forget about what just happened and calm down but she's too angry and is in shock, she only just got to talk to the boy she loved atfer weeks and NOTHING is going to stop her..

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