Chapter 1 - Mysterious Town

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As Bestin woke up feeling deadly exhausted, reaching out for his phone, wondering what time is it. Thinking it was a good time to be more productive after moving in this small town, he went downstairs after taking a quick shower and started to unpack the stuffs in the living room, thinking to himself, " Man.. They forgot to take some of my stuffs from the old house, guess I have to do some shopping today". He started to explore throughout the town, trying to adapt with the local community, thinking it might be best to know his whereabout around the place, might as well get to know some of his neighbours. Then he saw a sign that shows how there's a book sale going on and of course he would be interested in it since he's a bookworm himself. The door bell rings as he walked into the store and a warm smile greeted him, it was the shop keeper who was standing behind the counter. Bestin started to look around the place to check if there's anything he can be interested in. Then he notice a book in a glass casing, glancing at the shop keeper and started to question about the book, "Why is this one in the glass casing? Is it for display?". The shop keeper smiled at him and chuckled, "No sir~ that one is much valuable than the rest, it's priceless".

Bestin looks confused and asked the shop keeper what is it about before he can take a look at it, the shop keeper took out a set of keys from his pocket, unlocking the glass case. He started to mumbled, "This one is a fine of art, you could say it's out of this world~" , He smirked at Bestin, handing him the book. Furthermore, he told Bestin how the book is a local tale. Bestin took the book from the shop keeper, flipping through the first few pages of the book, thinking what's with the weird symbols in the book although he just shrugged it off thinking it was just a piece of illustration. He walks to the counter, taking out his wallet wanting to pay for the book, but what makes him feel weird out is when the shop keeper told him that he can keep the book for free but he has to come back to the shop soon. When he stepped outside the shop, he felt a heavy heart to accept such item for free, especially not knowing the person to begin with. He walked home, taking a nice shower and have a wonderful dinner before he sat down in the living room, trying to check out the book that was given to him.

He was feeling nervous to read at first so he decided to examine the book, he noticed how the cover of the book is covered in leather, it's weird for him to see such things because usually he can see the synopsis of the book behind it but there's absolutely nothing. Not even the author's name. He flipped through the first page as he stumbled across the symbols again, trying to see what he can understand from the illustrations. He flinched a bit as the cold wind touches his skin, sending a cold shiver down to his spine. The cold night made him question himself what on earth is he doing with this book, until he discovered some writings in front of the book, a quote, " We are better together than we are apart ", he mumbled. Everything went quiet until a sudden flash of light blinded him and little did he know, he got sucked into the book. The moment he realised it, he woke up, thinking he was hallucinating when he saw how other people were dressed in that year since it was peculiar for him. He thought to himself, "Where am I?".

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