Chapter 2 - Lost

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He woke up, thinking he was hallucinating when he saw the people around him. He had a little fright when the people who were walking nearby him tried to check on him if he was alright, he panicked when he noticed he was holding the book. The guy who helped him to stand up told him, "You had a thick skull there bud, good thing you're still alive", Bestin had no words as he thanked the man who helped him. He started frowning as he asked the person, "urmm, excuse me sir but what year is it?". The man let out a sigh as he showed Bestin how the Great War has been going on and said, "I've lost my family to them, now it's best for you to take care of yourself more before bad things could've happen". Bestin look down and notice a small pot dropped onto his head awhile ago, noticing his head started bleeding a bit. He walked among the crowds, trying to make his way out of it and he stumbled across a merchant who was selling items nearby.

"We have everything you need, feel free to peruse!", as the merchant look over to Bestin and notices the book, "Oh my~ you have a quite a rare one in your arms, feel free to buy the things you need sir". Bestin asked the merchant what's his name, maybe he knows something about the book. The merchant chuckled and smiled, "Why yes, I'm the greatest merchant around here, I go by many names but I would call myself Darrus". Not long after that, he notices the things that he need for himself. He checked his pockets if he has any change. Unfortunately, he's broke. Darrus quickly notices it and said, "Apparently you need some funds to be able to spend, here's the real deal, you can trade something valuable to me and I can give you some money in exchange of the item". Bestin empties his pockets to see if he has anything that could trade with the man. He notices a pocket watch inside his pocket and asked Darrus if this is good enough for him. Darrus started to examine the item to see the worth of it. He gave Bestin a small bag of gold and said, "If you can find me a good item, it might become handy due to it's high value, Its a win win! You got the things you need and I'll be the rich man I can be". After that, Bestin bought a dagger and the bandage from the man just in case he needs it. He doesn't know what kind of danger that lies ahead.

He went to a restaurant nearby, as he entered waiting to get a drink, the bartender made an announcement if anyone would be interested in taking a quest for a reasonable reward. Everything went quiet since no one dares to go out from this town at the moment. Bestin walked closer to the bartender and asked, "What can I do for you?, I heard you needed something". The bartender takes a closer look at him saying, "Ahhh, judging from your clothes, you don't belong in this town I assume?", he leans closer and whispered, "Which faction are you from?". Bestin was confused and said, "I'm nowhere near here to begin with, I don't even know where I am". The bartender decides to give him the quest as he throws a medium size bag of gold to Bestin. The bartender look at him and said, "This is only half of it, you'll get the rest once you're finished". Bestin took the bag and the map that he gave to him, he decided to go to the merchant if he can buy any sort of weapon at that time. The merchant was happier than ever to greet him as long as he gets what he wants. Darrus greeted Bestin again, "My my~ what can you get for me today, feel free to get the things you need, this is a first class service for the customers, I've prepared something that you probably want, it's a bit pricey than the last time but if it fits the quality, there's nothing to be worried about". Bestin bought the things he need before marking the map to where he needs to go after this, he asked the merchant, "Do you have any ideas about this book?", The merchant gave him a sinister smile and points the way to the library. "You might have your answers there", he said. Bestin nodded as he continues to go on the journey to find the answers that he needs.

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