Chapter 1 - A few days left

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There were lines that ran across Freya's arms, dark bruises randomly scattered around her body. Freya stared at her reflection through the glossy mirror. The white sheets smelt antiseptic and white gown that dressed her contrasted with her dark skin. To be completely frank, everything was white, the curtains, the ground and even the empty frame on the wall. Freya wondered who it for. 

"Certainly someone more beautiful than me. Who would frame up someone with skin as dirty as the polluted lakes in India? It'll only bring them shame and bad luck." Freya lifted her finger and felt the growing craters that were on her level skin. Although she writhed in agony, although she heard her brain telling her to stop, she continued to touch it. "I'll die someday because of you. Tell me, God, what have I ever done to deserve this pain? Why do I have to be the one? Can't you tell me?"

Freya cupped her face to hold in her tears, a hot burning sensation fighting with her self esteem. Sadness winning against happiness. Failure being the only successful thing. That's the only thoughts that started to fill her mind. She slowly reached for her phone. Swift movements will only hurt her more. The bruises reached as far as to her armpits. One wrong move and they will open up, spilling a river of red on her hands. But for Freya, she knew it wasn't because of physical abuse or some traumatic experience. For as long as she's known herself, she's been with these bruises. And these bruises were the only ones there for her when she's been suffering. 

Many say that if bruises that appear spontaneously on your skin hurt, it will lead to many problems. Some has been hospitalised because they can't move their arms or legs. Others have grown insane from the extreme pain they feel. In extreme cases, they die. A cold shiver runs down Freya's spine. 

"Doctor, how is she doing?" Freya heard her mother's rash voice outside of her room.

"Mrs Murphy...I'm sorry but...your daughter doesn't have too much time left..."

" have to be joking...I've allowed my daughter to get medicated and operated. And this is what I get?! You're the most useless doctor I've ever met! You should die yourself!"

The screams suddenly stopped as Freya heard multiple footsteps thumping in the hallway.

"Ms Murphy, come once you are completely composed. I know you are agitated about this matter, but there are other children in this hospital. Please understand."

Freya heard footsteps getting further away from me, but it wasn't just one pair. Meaning Freya's mother didn't want to leave of her own will. Freya could make out two big huge circles forming on the white bed sheets as her eyes started to blur. She held her phone in her right hand, but who knows how long it'll be until she can't even reach to get it anymore. She felt the phone ringing in her hands. She looked over the title with her blurry eyes. Canten? Canter? Carter! Why was he calling? Someone as popular as him. Pretty and kind as him? Amazing. There wasn't enough adjectives to describe him. Her eyes instantly became more blurry, so she put the phone on the bedside table, leaving it to vibrate.

The white coat of Dr Morante flashed as he scurried through the narrow halls. Freya closed her eyes in anticipation. She could see him coming with a clipboard in his arms with a face of ice cold expression. He had no feelings of empathy towards Freya's mother, or to Freya. But Freya knew why.

"Are you okay?" His expression didn't quite suit the scenario.

"Yes thank you!" Freya tried to loosen up his expression of stone.

Dr Morante turned his back and then started walking. Freya saw the slight movement of his crisp lips. "I'll make you come out of this alive, don't worry Mrs Murphy." Those were the only words Freya could make out.

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