Chapter 4 - The same that repel

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Carter looked at the long glass window, looking and counting silently all the grass strands he could see. Tedious it may seem, but it was an effective way of calming Carter. He'd been calling Freya for over 2 hours non-stop. His friends were telling him to stop communicating with her  and get back with Persephone. But something was better about Freya than there was Persephone. Persephone had luscious red hair that flew past her waist and she wore a ring of flowers over her hair. It matched with her name. But....even though Freya's hair was often not brushed, something about her was more beautiful than Persephone.


Persephone sent a text message back to Carter saying that she was busy and couldn't go to the park. Carter looked at the white screen and sighed expectantly, she didn't have time for him these days. But why would he care? They were only dating for fame. Persephone never said that but he had this gut telling him it's true. Carter ruffled his hair and then wore a black hoodie. As he headed out, his mother insulted him because of his clothing and how he looks like a serial killer. But she wasn't as persistent as before. A factor which made him more relieved. 

"Carter, bring back some milk, will you?"

Carter's mother was followed by a whoosh of wind following her son out of the door. The green boulevard was encompassing him as the wind kissed his cheeks. His feet overpowered the rustling leaves crunching beneath his feet. He rested his hands in his bulky pockets. He started wondering down the lane, counting the number of white cars that drove across. He looked downwards at the grey pavement. He kicked the orange and yellow leaves as he heard a familiar voice. Persephone!

He hid behind the thousands of trees with falling trees. Talk about camouflage. Persephone had tied her hair up in a side bun and wore a beige coat. Her soft fingers touched the tough skin of another guy. That boy then stooped down and looked straight into her blue eyes. The next moment had left shot in the heart. Persephone soft lips  had pressed onto the lips of the boy that ringed his arms around Persephone. Carter looked at her, was he sad because he actually loved her or he was disappointed his reputation would die if she was found out.

"Hey, isn't that your girlfriend?" The mature voice had almost him frightened. It was Freya in her yellow sweater with a doodle of a puppy. He pored his eyes into hers, with such a look that made him look almost pathetic. Small droplets accumulated in his eyes. His eyes became blurry. Clouds filled in his mind. He hated this. He hated being popular. He hated having a good reputation, because that reputation was only resting upon trust, a very fragile thing.

"Hey Carter! She may be popular like you. She may be beautiful like you. She may be cherished like you. But that never necessarily means you have to date her. Why? Because the same repel and never find anything interesting in the special other. I know it's hard for you know, but Persephone has lost interest in you. And even though it's easier, said than done, just move on." 

"But how do I just move on?"

"I don't know. Maybe....I'll have to help you then."

Carter looked up and saw her face. There was a halo of light surrounding her head as the last glimpses of the sun was seen. Was Freya's smile always this bright? He's never realised it before. Her hair is so smooth too. And for the first time, the drooping lips of Carter's had curled upwards.


Carter zipped up his jacket tied his shoe laces. The rain was pattering loudly on the roof. 

"Carter, where are you going, in this weather?" 

His mother stood behind him wearing a red velvet gown and her hair in an elegant French braid. 

"I'm going to Freya's."

His mother was silent for a moment.

"Carter...Freya's in hospital."

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