Chapter 6

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the next days were blurry for Taeyang, he shut down everyone, ditched his classes and dance practices, everyone was worried for him, some even tried to reach out but he switched off his phone.

Taeyang have been always like this. alone. But then it all changed when Hwiyoung came to his life. His life wasn't full of rainbows or love etc. he always had social anxiety. And because of that he couldn't make any friends, his brother had been always worried for him, taeyang used to think because of him his brother couldn't have his teenager days, but he knows brother love him so much to think that, even if world would get against taeyang, his brother would be always on his side. He used to think like that of Hwiyoung too, he used to think Hwiyoung would stay with him forever... nothing last forever I guess..


"Taeyangie "
Taeyang opened his eyes slowly, he didn't know when his eyes closed. "Taeyang are you okay ?" it was was taeyang's brother zuho, taeyang blink twice then he realized , "hyung? When did you come?" 
" just a while ago " juho answered "then why didn't you wake me earlier?" Taeyang asked while rubbing his eyes, " you look like you hadn't got any sleep that's why " juho can see how tired taeyang looking . The dark circles , messy hair, house full of mess. Juho knows something is wrong, "what happened why'd your phone is off ? And your professor called asking for you ? Have you been ditching your classes? "  taeyang can see clearly his brother is worried for him but what should he say that "nothing just my 5 years of boyfriend just cheated on me and I broke up with him"  that would be easier to say but when his brother will go and beat up Hwiyoung ass that would be not good because he doesn't want to relay on others and it's his fight he have to fight alone, his brother has done enough for him s, he doesn't want to give more stress to juho , he's finally living his life comfortably he doesn't want to add his life problem to juho.

" oh it's just... I'm not feeling well" juho can see but he knows too it's just not because of feeling not well " don't lie I can see something is wrong ? Isn't? And where's Hwiyoung? It's been while hasn't seen him ".

Probably f*cking Chani..

"We broke up " Taeyang declaird suddenly. Juho's eyes widened. " WHAT" Taeyang sighs he have to tell him a good story or juho will Hwiyoung.


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