Chapter Five

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"Wow, it sure is dark out here," commented Remus. Tonks sat next to him in stony silence. "Isn't it, Tonks?"

"Mmm," was all Tonks said. She seemed tired, and hadn't said more than five words to Remus. They were on their night patrol, just outside of Malfoy Manor, hiding in the bushes.

"You still upset from earlier?" asked Remus.

"Maybe," admitted Tonks.

"Look, you can talk to me. What's wrong?"

"You wouldn't understand." Tonks flicked a fly away from her ear.

"Well, I might not. But maybe I will. You're scaring me, Tonks. You're always so positive."

"I- I- no, I can't. Sorry." Tonks was firm.

"Okay, well, can we at least act normal now?" Remus was eager to get this weirdness over with.

"No, we can't."

"This is about earlier, isn't it? If there's something you want to say to me, then just say it. I won't blow up, or anything," Remus coaxed. More than anything, he wanted the happy, cheerful Tonks back, the one he'd fallen head-over-heels in love with.

"I might tell you another time," said Tonks, her voice softer. "When I'm ready."

"Okay, you do that," shrugged Remus, glad that they'd at least reached a compromise.

Nothing happened at Malfoy Manor. None of the other patrols had seen any Death Eaters, and Remus found that suspicious. Malfoy Manor was swarming with Death Eaters most days. But why had they all deserted it? 

It was very odd.

Back at Grimmauld Place, after their patrol, Remus played cards with Tonks and Sirius. But Sirius tackled Tonks more than usual and pinned her down longer. Remus caught Sirius's lips moving, and he guessed that they were having a conversation. Tonks was her bright, bubbly self, but nothing seemed normal. Exhausted, Remus excused himself from the wresting match Sirius and Tonks seemed to be having, and dragged himself up to bed. He'd figure it out in the morning.


As soon as Remus disappeared up the stairs, Tonks and Sirius straightened up. Tonks rubbed the side of her leg. 

"You kicked harder than you were supposed to. Anyway, how am I supposed to tell Remus that the universe revolves around him? It's talking a toll on me!" Tonks seemed ready to fall apart again.

"Sorry, Nymph, I'm trying to help you, okay? And, we've got five kids staying here starting tomorrow, so we'd better clean up this place." Sirius gathered his arms full of magazines and newspapers and dumped them into the trash can.

"Okay. But there's a lot more to clean than just the living room," said Tonks, standing on the couch, broom in hand and swiping at the ceiling. Cobwebs clung to the brush, and a spider fell. Tonks jumped off the couch and stomped on it.

"Now there's smashed spider in the carpet," said Sirius, noticing.

"Yes, well it's better than a dead Sirius or dead Tonks in the ground," shot back Tonks.

"Okay, okay. But, seriously, what happened with Remus?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Tonks turned away from Sirius and busied herself with straightening the pillows. "Anyway, Remus'll probably tell you later."

"Yeah, he speaks openly about his troubles."

"If it's not too much work, can I leave you here and start on upstairs?" asked Tonks, suddenly feeling eager to be alone. "I'll do the game room, and then straighten up the bathroom. The mirrors need scrubbing."

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