Chapter Seven

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So, Remus was needed somewhere else. Why did it matter? Tonks tried to talk herself into thinking that Remus had never existed. That she'd never got to spend one amazing month with him. But that was something she couldn't do.

Sirius had completely lost it when Tonks  had showed him the note. Throwing furniture and books around his room made Tonks wonder if Sirius was throwing a mere temper tantrum, or had actually lost his mind. Even though it had been a few days since then, she knew that, if left unsupervised, he'd do something stupid. And so, she told Kreacher to keep an eye on him.

"Kreacher can not do what half-blood wants," said Kreacher, giving an obnoxious bow. "Half-blood is not a blood relative. Kreacher is sorry."

"No, you're not," snarled Tonks. "And shut up and do what I say or it'll be your head hanging in the hallway next."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, yes I would. See? I'm pulling out my wand right now. One wave, and you'll be dead."

"Fine," snapped the house elf, giving another ridiculously low bow. "Kreacher will do what half-blood wants." Kreacher stumbled off, muttering about mudbloods and filth again. Tonks sighed, shoved her wand back in her pocket, and unlocked the front door. Stepping outside, she was glad for the hoodie she was wearing. Fall was officially here. 

"Yesss," muttered Tonks to herself. She closed her eyes and remembered how excited she'd been as a kid, waiting for the first day of fall and then counting the days it took for it to snow. Those were the days.

Opening her eyes, Tonks remembered the real reason she'd left Grimmauld Place. To talk to Dumbledore. Apparating to Hogsmeade, she wondered how she'd get into Hogwarts. It was heavily guarded since Sirius's escape. But Tonks was not one to give up, and so she decided to step into The Three Broomsticks for hot chocolate. She missed the warm, Christmaslike drink. Besides, she needed the time to think of a plan.

A bell jingled as she opened the door. Tonks placed her order, and sat at the counter, resting her chin on the shiny countertop and drumming her fingers on her thigh.

"Here," grunted a server, plopping down a mug in front of Tonks.

"Thanks," sighed Tonks, staring into the dark brown liquid. Her stomach did a flip. She'd wait awhile, to see if her feelings toward the drink would change.

"Ah, Dumbledore!" announced a voice. Tonks looked up to see a wizard behind the counter beaming at someone behind her. Whirling around, Tonks's heart caught in her throat. Maybe being patient really did pay off. She'd have to remember this incident.

Dumbledore had walked through the door, and recognized his former student. "Ah, Nymphadora! What brings you here?"

"Hi, professor," said Tonks, her mind blanking out. A butterbeer was placed in front of Dumbledore, and he took a long drink. Tonks was thankful for this and racked her brain for something to say. Finally, she just blurted out, "Do you know where Remus is?"

"Yes. Why?" Dumbledore peered at Tonks over his spectacles.

"Because," continued Tonks, in a much quieter voice. "He left. He left without even saying goodbye. He didn't care enough too. He only put a note on my pillow for me to find. It said he was 'needed elsewhere.'"

"He did?" confused, Dumbledore set down his mug.

"Where is he?" asked Tonks, her brown eyes filling with tears. 

"He is at the werewolf hideout. He offered to spy for the Order. I thought you would know that." Dumbledore's brow was furrowed in concern.

"Well, I didn't." Tonks felt a tear run down her cheek. "I have to go now. Goodbye." Hopping off her stool, Tonks practically ran out of The Three Broomsticks. Only when she was back in her room at Grimmauld Place, did she let the tears come.

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