Chapter 2 1-1: What could possibly go wrong?

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Act I: Breaking the Game for Fun and Profit

Chapter 1—What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Year: 2126 AD

I hummed to myself, flexing my wings experimentally. "Interesting." I mused, twisting midair. "I can almost feel the wind on my face."

Cool, isn't it? A chat message floated past my face.

"Yeah, it really is." I agreed. "But really, you didn't have to go so far as to design an entirely new race just because I helped out a bit."

You gave us advice that helped stabilize the server and decrease data usage by fifty percent. It was the least we could do.

I hid my smirk. What they had been using wasn't too bad for the indie platform they were, but it still had tons of room for improvement. "I still think creating a Dragon for me to fly in is too far, though."

It was a simple matter of pulling the textures and avatar shape off an unused Boss. The message dismissed. All things considered, you asked for very little. Most players would've asked for a sword with infinity plus one damage or something.

I raised a scaled eyebrow. "And what purpose would that serve? All I'm doing is enjoying myself, after all. You haven't added any Raid Bosses yet, so I've just been grinding my Skill Levels."

You'd be surprised how few people care about 'purpose'. Most players would've asked for the sword just to kill other players.

"That would get boring fast."

…We're getting off topic. How does the flight simulation feel? Is it too rough?

I flapped my leathery wings once more. "Not really… if anything, it's too smooth. If you're going for realism, I'd suggest adding a dip in flight between wingbeats. Especially if you're planning on adding this kind of mechanic for humanoid Races."

That was the core of today's little exercise. As a programmer, even a 'retired' one, I quickly became the Developers' best beta-tester. I actually had experience with coding, so I knew what was and wasn't possible. It had taken a while for me to get familiar with the new lingo and capabilities of the software, but I soon found that it wasn't all that different than what I was used to.

Today I was testing a flight mechanic in a test world. The Developers were considering adding such a mechanic to simulate the Angelic and Demonic races, so they needed to know how it worked before they could release it. After I had helped them a few dozen times, they had pretty much given me a free request as a thank-you.

So, knowing how awesome it would be, I jokingly suggested that they turn me into a Dragon and give me a maiden to guard.

To my eternal shock, they had taken me at my word and turned an unused Boss into an in-game Avatar. They let me customize it up the wazoo, even kept its' Stats as the new Race's starting quota. They eventually lowered the rate of experience gained after they realized how overpowered it would be otherwise, but they insisted I keep the Avatar.

So here I am. Testing a Dragon's flight abilities in a test world.

"I think you should add drag as well." I tried to slow myself by tilting my wings, but my speed didn't change. "Use a basic algorithm to start with, then build off that. I'd suggest teaching a few people how to use a Unity platform if you need help on those kinds of things. The basic download package comes with a sample of a car on a race track that uses the concept of speed pretty well."

Noted. There was a slight pause. Unity, you said? That's some pretty old-school stuff.

I rolled my eyes. Not that my Avatar copied the gesture, of course, but it was the thought that counted. "It's what I used back in the day. Don't diss the old stuff, it still works just fine. Unity was the best 3D rendering software for beginners back when I was in my prime, and if it worked for us, it'll work for you."

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