They are human?

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"Yes Father, you wish to see me."

"Yes, If I recall you are still looking for you soulmate yes?"

"Isn't that what all demons do when we are first born. What else do you think I'm doing. We can't sleep or eat till we find are other half. So what do you think I'm doing."

"Don't speak to me like that boy. I may be your Father but I'm still your King. Do you understand."

" Yes sir."


"Now what I was going to say is I might have an idea to help you find your soulmate." At this point Diablo was all in on listening to his Father. All he wanted was to be with his one and only, his love, his soulmate.Diablo wants to eat and sleep with his love. So him seeing that his Father has an idea about how he can find his soulmate. He will listen and do anything that he will ask of him to do.

"What do you mean you have an idea?"

" I'm going to send you to the human world. Because all your time looking for your soulmate in Hell you haven't find them. So that only means one thing."

"They are human." When Diablo had said that he was a little taken back because he never new that it was possible to have a human soulmate. He had no clue it was possible for a demon to be with a human.

"But Father that can't be right. How can a demon and a human be together? That can't be possible can it? A humans life span is not that long. They only live for 100 years."

" I understand that you have questions my boy but it is possible. If you and your lover agree you can turn them into a demon."

Diablo did not know how to feel at that moment. Yes he was happy because he was getting somewhere on where his soulmate might be. But he was also sad because how will he find his love.

" My boy you will be going to the human world. But in doing so you might as well go to a human school and learn about the things and life of a human as well as looking for your lover."

Diablo was not so happy on the fact that he had to go to a human school. But he would do anything in his power to find his love.

"But one thing my son. When you find your soulmate you will be in hibernation for one week. And it's a test for your soulmate to see if they want to be with you or not."

"And how will I know that I have found my soulmate?"

"You two will have to be looking into each others eyes and have to be skin to skin contact. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes I do. So when do I leave for this human school?"

"You go right now. I have everything ready for you already."

Diablo's Father had made a spell circle around Diablo and red fire was all what Diablo could see. The next thing he new was that he was in front of students in a uniform looking at him shocked and speechless. Even their teacher was not prepared for something like this to happen at all.

But one thing that was in Diablos mind was UA High school. That was the so he thinks he needs to go to. So he turned his head and looked straight into the teachers eyes and all he said was "Where is UA High School?"

But little did Diablo know he was already in the school that he will spend the time being there looking for his soulmate and learning how to be a hero.

The Devil's son has a Soulmate (Bakugou x male reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora