I'm not a Villian l'm a Demon

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Mr. Aizawa got hold of his scarf and got Diablo. Diablo was a little taken back of this attack.

"How did a villain get in here?" Diablo just looked at the green hair boy and was confused on why he said the words villain instead of demon.

"Hey you green head I'm no villain. I'm a demon so get it right." Diablo said to the boy with anger in his eyes. Everyone was scared because of the look that Diablo was giving to the students and the fact that he called himself a demon.

"What is your name?" Said Mr. Aizawa using his quirk.

Diablo just looked at Mr. Aizawa and then looked done at the scarf. In that moment Diablo burns the scarf off of him and in doing so he told the now shocked teacher his name.

"My name is Diablo."

"Wait how did you use your quirk if Mr. Aizawa used his quirk on you?" The girl with short brown hair said. Even Mr. Aizawa didn't understand how he did that so he himself was waiting for what Diablo will say.

"I don't know what you mean by quirks but I can tell you that I don't have one." Everyone was confused on why the demon boy would say that even when he just burned Mr. Aizawa's scarf with black flames.

"HEY YOU ASSHOLE stop messing around we all saw you used your quirk." A angry boy said.

Diablo was getting a little bit angry and he was trying not to get anymore angry then he already is or his face will change and he doesn't want to scare the people in the room.

"Tell us villain or demon whatever you are. How did you use your quirk if Mr. Aizawa was using his on you?"

That pissed off Diablo because no one was listening to him and the fact that he has to repeat his words to them again. So his face change to make everyone shut up.

"Now do I have everyones attention? Good

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"Now do I have everyones attention? Good."

Everyone was scared of Diablo and all they can do is sit and listen.

"I will only tell you this once so pay attention. I'm not a villain. I'm a demon as you can see. I'm here under my fathers orders to go to a human school called UA High School. Because here on out I'm going to be a student there studying your human way and also doing my own personal business. Do I make myself clear." Diablo says with power in his eyes.

"Yes" said all of the students in the class room.

"Now you Mr. Aizawa was it. Tell me where UA High School is." Said Diablo.

Mr. Aizawa was confused on why the demon would say that he would be going to an all hero school. Also he never heard anything about having a new student at all.

"You are alre......" Mr.Aizawa was cut off by the door of the class room being opened. And there was a small white looking bear with a scar on his eye just standing at the door.

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