Oh So Long Ago

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"Whatchu staring at, buttercup?" You choked on your food. You got caught checking him out. How dumb could you be? You just met the man, he makes you a meal, now you can only think of him? Your mind didn't think but your heart did.

"Hello? Anyone up there?" He chuckled as he knocked on your forehead. You snapped out of your trance, slapping his hand away.

"Nothing. I'm looking at nothing." You continued on your food, the thought of Karl never leaving your mind. You wondered if he could control minds too. Was that possible? You hoped he couldn't read minds either.

"Here, you look thirsty." Your eyes snapped up again in embarrassment to see a glass of water. The breath you were holding let itself go and you took the glass with a thank you.

"I'll make a sleeping arrangement for you sometime soon. That must wait, we have work to attend too." You groaned at the idea of work. What would you even be doing? Being an extra mind to bounce ideas off of?

"So darling, I have this project I've been working on for quite some time." He sat back with you, sitting with his legs spread for than they probably should be.

"I've recently, hit a dead end. I believe I need a fresh mind, a new point of view. That's gonna be you." This seemed easy enough. You had known some science, but nothing of engineering. He continued with his theatrical speech.

"Miranda, is someone I wouldn't say I admire. Take that back, she's a fucking bitch! That bird brained whore took my entire life from me! She's done so much to me and my 'siblings' that it's unforgivable. No matter what she fucking does I'll never forgive that banshee slut. Mother Miranda took my dignity from me. She took my parents, my home, my childhood; I could go on." You could see the pain in his eyes, his movements. Everything was really taken from him and you could tell.

"I'm building an army, Y/n. I'll make that bitch rue the day she stole my life. With the powers she gave me, I'll destroy her. That's where you come in."

"Me? How can I help with that?" You we're more confused than ever.

"You and I are going to build a metal army. I've researched and experimented extensively. I tried and tried again so many times to make a collection of soldiers, but have failed. This project is becoming to much for just me. Then, you fall into my lap. I can tell, you'll be perfect." This was so much information to process. How were you just going to build an army?

"How are we even going to do this? I don't know a thing about engineering or whatever this is. Maybe, I'm not the person for this." You looked to Heisenberg in confusion, more so sadness. Why were you feeling so let down right now? You looked deep inside yourself for the answer, promising yourself to be truthful. You already knew though, you didn't have to look.

"Of course, you're perfect. I can feel your energy dear, don't forget that." He gave a playful wink before exiting his quarters to retrieve something.

Did this mean he could read your mind? More so, read your energy? Did he know about the deep lust you felt in your stomach only moments ago? He couldn't have, you hoped.

Karl brought back papers and blueprints by the dozen and spread them all across the table. He began analyzing the documents and photos he brought along. Her brain tangled in all the words and phrases you didn't even recognize.

"Sir, what did you mean about feeling my energy?" He spread out a new blueprint as you asked this. His arms tensed at your voice, a smirk growing over his lips.

"My dear, are you sure you'd like to know that?" Karl leaned forward, shadowing over you.

"Yes, I would." That feeling came back. Only this time, it was lower.

"I can detect the iron in your body. I've trained myself to learn the emotions a person possesses by the vibration the metal emits. I can tell the slightest change in emotion and thought. It's a very useful skill to have in a land like this." He stayed over you the entire time. Karl Heisenberg was deathly intimidating. You throbbed at the thought of him knowing, so much it embarrassed you.

"Why so embarrassed, buttercup? You feel like you're getting a fever. You feeling alright?" His voice made your legs twitch. He knew, he definitely knew.

"So, these blueprints!" You changed the topic as fast as you could. You read everything you could out loud, not giving him the space to intrude on your speech. Your eyes gazed over everything laid on the table, including his hands. The Polaroid pictures caught your attention.

"You guys still have Polaroids? You don't have anything digital?" You questioned, examining the photo. A hunched over man with machinery formed into his back. It was disturbing to say the least. The way the wires and screws at in the skin was revolting. You could only imagine the pain.

"Digital? Tell me more." He sat down again, overly interested.

  "Like, digital cameras, any cellphones? Or are you guys really that closed off from the rest of the world?" Your leaned back in your chair, arms folding under your breast.

  "Mother Miranda says we shouldn't worry ourselves with matters outside the village; that it isn't relevant to us. I've always wanted to know more." Karl looked frustrated behind his glasses. You can tell from what he's told you, how disconnected this place really is.

  You grabbed one of the many papers laid out before you. You chose something that looked mostly empty, not very important. You scribbled different modern electronics, cameras, televisions, cellphones. He leaned over on his elbows in fascination. His finger tracing the shapes you drew on his own skin.

  "I've missed so much, haven't I?" His voice fell with a low rumble. He plopped back into his chair with a sigh, disappointed.

  "I mean, how long have you been here? How old even are you?"

  "Well that's a complicated question!" He gave his signature hearty chuckle, flashing his teeth at you. He had fairly straight teeth. You noticed when he spoke his bottom teeth were slightly crooked. You found it pretty cute.

  "See, Miranda found me when I was about 39 or 40, maybe. I've been here ever since." You were so confused. He only looked to be about that age and he seems to have been here for decades.

  "That doesn't make sense though. From how much you've built, you'd have to be super old. I don't even know how old that would be." He chuckled again, only this time at you pointing out the obvious.

  "This parasite dear, makes me immortal. Not much can kill me! But, that has its drawbacks. I've been the Lord of this house for, wow, 40 something years? Maybe 50, I don't exactly remember. The numbers all jumble up since it's been so long." This man was such an enigma to you. Was this magic? A faulty science? It felt similar to what you'd seen in the news for the past few years. Bioweapons and biotech practically taking over the world seemed to become more and more normal.

  "Karl, you've missed everything, literally everything." Your brows knit together as you spoke. Karl was like an ancient relic being found after years of digging. He was still in one piece, just so distant. It didn't feel right to be near a man who was still stuck in the 60's and 70's.

  "I guess I have. Well dear, you can tell me all about it can't you?" You looked up to his eyes; your lips opening with a sticky click. Behind the stoic demeanor he tried to show to you, you could see right through him. He felt hurt and lost. He'd missed so much of the world while being stuck in this village. He clenched his fist over the blueprints, slightly shaking at the thought.

  "Yeah. I'll tell you everything." Your hand reached over to his giving it a squeeze. The look you gave him soothed his nerves. It was strong and determined. You were not fearful of him in the slightest. He liked that, his strong girl.

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