1. We're Finally here...

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-POV: Agent 3


I wake up slowly to see Cap'n cheering. Marina is literally attacking poor Pearl, who is struggling to get out of Marina's tight grip. I look around trying to recall what happened.

"Oh, right. I was in a creepy metro for 2 months" I mumbled. "But where am I now?"

"Home" Someone says softly. I look to my left to see an octoling- wait, no, Agent 8, sitting and gazing at the landscape before her. We make eye contact for a brief moment before she turns back to the view. I look towards inkopolis. "Yeah. Home."

-POV: Agent 8


I can't believe it. I'm finally staring at inkopolis. I think back to everything I've done to get here, to this moment, and then stare out at the city. My home. Wait a second. "Crap" I mutter under my breath. "Where am I supposed to live?"

"You could stay with me, you know" I turn to see agent 3. "I have a extra bedroom you can use" My eyes widen with excitement. "Really! that would be amazing!" I exclaim. "Thank you so much!"

"D-don't mention it" He says, looking away. Before he did though, his cheeks looked red. Is he sick? I shrug it off and look ahead to Inkopolis Square. I think i'm going to like it here.

-POV: Agent 3


Did I just... BLUSH??? No, I'm just a little flustered. We all board the Off the Hook Helicopter and start the journey to inkopolis square, where I had moved in just before the... incident.

A few minutes in, Marina starts talking to 8. "So you can come live with me and Pearly!" She beams. "We have plenty of space for you to move in." 8 gives her a soft smile. "As much as i'd love to, I'm going to live with Remi." She turns to me. "Right?" 

I feel my face heat up and I try to calm myself. "W-well if y-you want to go live with them that's fine by me" I stammer. She reaches out and touches my hand, making my face catch on fire. "Nah, I wanna live with you" She says, while smiling. 


"A-alright then" I then gently turn the other way and try to sleep. We have about an hour until we get back so I'll have enough time to nap. 

That's when my nightmare begins.

I'm in a glass box at the side of the room, watching 8 travel up an elevator. Suddenly, it stops, and I see someone at the top of a UFO. Next to a squirming Cuttlefish it's me. But not actually me. This me has some kind of weird goop on their face. Then, they jump off and start... shooting at 8? Why would I shoot at 8 after saving her???  Then I notice their eyes. They're a bright glowing green, like they've been, like I'VE been... sanitized. I watch in horror as they fire special after special and 8 tries to dodge. 8 has almost won, and then.. SPLAT. She gets killed by splashdown. I hear Pearl scream from 8's communicator. "EIGHT! EIGHT ARE YOU OK??? EIGHT PLEASE, SAY SOMETHING!!" I hear Marina's sobs in the background. Then suddenly, the glass box opens. The other me grabs me (A/N god this is confusing to write) And pours something on my face. I scream as it starts to burn my skin and someone's voice slowly takes over. "This is how it should've happened..."

I jolt awake. What was that? Why did it feel so... real? And what did it mean by "This is how it should have happened"? I notice my face slightly burning, and I'm panting so hard, trying to catch my breath. Then a voice parts through the confusion. "3? Are you alright?"

I turn to see 8, who has a look of concern in her eyes. That look... I think back to my dream and see that same look on her face when she's fighting them- I mean me. Concern and fear...

8's voice once again snaps me out of it. "You seemed like you were having a nightmare" "Yeah, something like that" I mumble. Suddenly she wraps her arms around me. "If you need to talk about it to someone, I'm here" She says. I glance around to see if anyone else is in the room. Nope. Guess they all went to the front of the heli. "Thanks" I whisper, leaning into the hug. 

We pull away and 8 goes back to gazing out the window. Pearl comes in. "WE'RE HERE!!!!" I look to see the tops of buildings. I can see the lobby from here. I can't believe it. I'm finally, actually home. 

(Time skip brought to you by over excited Pearl)

-POV: Agent 8


We walk into 3's apartment. I look around. Everything looks amazing. I've never been in a home that I remember before, so everything is so new. 3 notices this, and just tugs me along. "Let's get you settled" He says with a smile. I nod and follow him. I walk in to my new room, and I'm filled with shock. THE BED LOOKS SO COMFYYYYY. I'm finding it really hard to resist the urge to flop on the bed right now. Wait a sec.. 

"Uhhhhhhh 3?" "Yeah 8?" I don't have any clothes other then this. I gesture to my metro suit. "Ohhhhhh right. Let me get you something"  He says, and walks off. I take a moment to look around the room. It's really nice. It has a closet, bed, 2 nightstands, a dresser, and two big windows that let me look at the city. (She knows about all of this stuff since she read some magazines in the metro)

3 walks back into the room with a jersey and some leggings. "Turns out Marina gave you some stuff to wear. I'll let you change. I'll make us some dinner after" He walks out of the room to the kitchen. I change and then head over there myself.

 I sit down in the living room while I wait for the food to be ready. Finally, he sets 2 bowls on the table. I go to sit down across from him. I look in the bowl in front of me. It contains some real good looking ramen. I cautiously take a sip, and I can feel my eyes lighting up. "This tastes so good!" I said, my mouth full of noodles. "Thanks.." He looks away with a red face. He's probably just a bit warm.

(Time skip to nighttime brought to you by author who doesn't know what to write)

We walk to the bedrooms. As we walk through the hall, a small question pops up in my mind. We stop at my room. Right before three walks off... "Wait!" I say, slightly startling 3. "It feels so weird just calling you three all the time. What's your name?" "Remi. What's yours?" "Uhhhhhhh"

 I rack my brain for a second, and it finally comes to me. "Iris". "Ok then. Good night Iris." "Night Remi"

I go into my new room and FINALLY flop on that bed. I gaze out the window for a few seconds. "Yeah" I whisper to myself. "I'm gonna love it here".

A/N: Anndddddd that concludes part 1! Ima try to post part 2 next week. Until then, stayyyyyy fresh! (OMFG i sound so stupid)

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