3. I'm sorry

332 2 1

POV: Remi


"Remi, I'm going to go home now". I turn to see Iris. She looks shocked, confused, hurt, and angry all at the same time. I feel terrible as she quickly walks to the manhole and jumps in. Then I turn to 4. I might have just met her, but i'm about to punch this squid in the face. 

"WHAT THE HECK 4??!? DON'T YOU REALIZE HOW INSENSITIVE THAT WAS?" I'm fuming. "What do you mean? And how does that octoling know your name? Wait- DOES ANYONE REALIZE HOW WE JUST LET AN OCTOLING INTO THE SQUARE????"

Next thing you know, im yelling at 4, she's yelling at me, and Callie, Marie, and Cap'n are yelling at us to stop yelling. This goes on for a good 10 minutes. "YOU KNOW WHAT 4??? IF THAT OCTOLING WASN'T HERE, ALL OF US WOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW." I scream."You know what? I'm going home now. Next time I see you 4 it better be you apologizing to Iris" Then, I angrily storm to the manhole and back to my apartment. Hopefully Iris is ok. 

POV: Cap'n cuttlefish


I watch as 3 storms off. I've never seen him get so defensive over someone, and I've known him for a good 2 years. What is going on? Then I turn to 4. She looks like she just saw a ghost. She turns to Marie. "What does he mean by that?" After a good 5 minutes of explaining, I finally speak. "Missy, you better go apologize to 8 next time she's here. Otherwise, 3 will make you into a squid ring." I chuckle at the thought. "Well i'm gonna go take a nap. These old bones are tired"

POV: Iris


I wish i'd never went with Remi today. 

Why did that inkling hate me so much? Why did the other inklings look at me like that? Why do I feel like... I don't belong here? I have no clue where I used to live. I thought I wanted to live in inkopolis, but after today, I'm not so sure. 

Time ticks by, and I'm just sitting on my bed, alone with my thoughts. Music fills my head. It's weirdly... comforting. It feels familiar, but I don't know why. I start to feel drowsy, like I'm about to fall asleep, and then I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the creaking of the front door. I panic and grab my octoshot from my nightstand and creep to the living room. When i get there, I aim my gun at someone. Turns out it's just a pissed and confused Remi. 

"Remi, oh my god you scared me. Please don't do that again" His expression relaxes and a slight red tint appears on his cheeks. "Alright, alright, I won't" He says with a slight smirk. Then his expression turns serious. "Are you okay though?"

My happy mood has been suddenly interrupted. I think back to the earlier events of today. "I've been better. I just wish I knew why inklings hated me so much. Like all I've done is exist in there presence and suddenly It's like I'm a threat or something." Remi just shrugs. "I don't know either. Well I brought home some crusty Shaun's for dinner. You can start eating. I'll be right back." I nod and head to the table.

POV: Remi


How am I supposed to tell her. 


She has no clue. She has no MEMORY of doing any of it. Why do I have to be the one to tell her? Why do I have to be the one to ruin her? But if I don't and someone else does, she's going to be mad I lied. SO WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?

You know what? For now, I just wont say anything. I'll tell her when I'm ready, even though I know deep down that I might not ever be. 

"Remi! You coming?" I snap out of my thoughts. "Yeah! Coming!"

A FEW WEEKS LATER (sonic is back for the time skip bois) 

It's been 4 weeks since the incident at the canyon. Iris has been living with me, and I gotta admit, it's awesome. When I'm not working, we do turf war and ranked, or go shopping or eating out. On the weekends we play board games and scream and laugh during overcooked rounds. I basically am finding any excuse to spend time with her, and these have been some of the best weeks of my life. Iris is still avoiding the canyon though. 

"Okay! I bought some food from this new burger place. Callie said it's really fresh, so I hope you like it". Iris' little laugh and smile makes me flush pink. "Thanks so much Remi! Which one is you-". 

Then I hear the doorbell ring. "I'll get It." She nods and I head to the front. I open the door to see none other then agent 4. "And what do you want?" She looks away in embarrassment and guilt "Look, I'm sorry about a few weeks ago. I reacted on impulse, but it was way out of line. I came to apologize to Iris. Marie told me your address. Iris lives with you, right?" "Okay, 1, I'll forgive you if Iris forgives you. 2, yes, Iris does live with me. 3, If you say ANYTHING about that in a teasing way, I will not hesitate to splat you here and now." She chuckles. "Ok, ok, I won't say anything. Can I come in?" I nod and she follows me in.

As we approach the living room, Iris walks over. "Remi! I left you half of each meal because I wasn't sure which one was yours. Everything was so good! Do you want me to reheat your food..." She notices 4 behind me. She picks up the octoshot she put down earlier. "Remi, what is she doing here?" Her voice is shaky. "Don't worry, she just came to apologize, and she's not armed this time." She sets down her gun. "I'll leave you two to talk. Iris, If you need me I'll be in the kitchen." She nods her head and gestures to 4 to follow her to her room. I head off to the kitchen. Hopefully everything will be ok with those two. 

POV: Iris


We sit down on my bed in an awkward silence for a good few minutes. Then she finally speaks. "Iris, I'm soooooo sorry. I had no Idea you were agent 8, I thought you were an intruder." She looks like she is on the verge of tears. "It's ok." "No, it's not. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did and I'm sorry." She sniffles and then chuckles a bit. "I guess I'm just used to octarians having a gun pointed at me." "Wait, what?" I look at her in confusion.

"What do you mean 'What?' Didn't Remi tell you about the octarian army?" I shake my head no. "WHATTTTT? Ok, so you know nothing about the great turf war, King octavio, or the squidbeak splatoon's mission?" "No, I have no idea about any of those things"

Wait, Is this why agent 4 reacted the way she did? Is this why those inkling looked at me in disgust? 

Did Remi... Lie to me?

"Iris? I don't think I'm the right person to explain this all to you, so I'll have Remi do it." I slowly nod. "Well I'm going to head out. I have patrol tomorrow, and Marie might kill me if I'm late again." We both chuckle. I walk her to the front door. "Night, agent 4." "Oh! Just call me Ashe" She says with a smile. "Ok then. Night!" She walks away. I shut the door and walk to the kitchen. 

"Remi? We need to talk"

(A/N Holy crap that took a lot longer then expected. I'm so sorry for the waittt. I'm going to try to post one more short chapter this week since I'm going to be taking a break starting saturday. I'm going to canada for a week, so I can't post while I'm there. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Leave any suggestions you have in the comments. Have a great day, and as always, stayyyyy fresh!)

POST EDIT NOTES: Looking back I felt the story was moving wayyy to fast, so I decided to add a bit of a time gap so Iris and Remi's attitudes towards each other felt more natural. 

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