Chapter 9- Joshua?

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I couldn't help it. I was drawn to him. Too mush it was unhealthy. I probably have cancer because of him.

Damn you Thomas.

I'm leaning towards him, and by the look of it; so is he. Butterflies erupt in my stomach as I feel his warm breath fanning my face, my heart starts to pound a million beats a seconds. My eyes flutter shut as his do the same and I smile mentally.

This is it.

Only centimetres apart and I can feel his body heat radiating off his body. I feel a sudden rush of wind and leaves crunching but I shake it off as our lips collide.

To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.

The butterflies turned to angry ants, my heart beat returned to normal, my breath hitched in my now dry throat. There wasn't even any sparks.

And when I opened my eyes I felt my whole world crumble to the ground.

That mother trucker.

I pull away wiping my lips furiously before looking back up at the smirking boy in front of me who pushed Thomas away to steal my first kiss.

My hand seemed to have a mind of its own as I found it connecting with the boys cheek.

"What the shuck, Joshua" His name suddenly becomes bitter as I force it out of my mouth.

He is no longer wearing a smirk. A frown is painted on his face as he holds a hand to his now red cheek.

I stand and look over at Thomas to see him with a hurt and angry look on his face. All though it wasn't my fault, I couldn't help but feel a sudden rush of guilt.

Thomas' POV

My heart shatters into a million pieces as I see Adelaide's lips against his. I feel as though. I could go on a murderous rampage.

She opens her eyes only for them to be filled with shock and hatred. Something I'm pretty sure no one has ever see Adelaide wear on her perfect face.

She slaps him on the cheek before snapping a few works at him as she stands up and looks at me with guilt.

It's not her fault. I want to tell her that but no words make there way out of my mouth.

I look towards him to see him staring at Adelaide with nothing but list before turning to me with a evil smirk.

That good for nothing little-

"Thomas I'm so sorry" Adelaide whimpers which snatches my attention back towards her.

Joshua simply rolls his eyes before grabbing her hand and pulling her on top of her with ease.

I tense noticeably.

"Get your hands off her" I growl as calmly as possible.

He laughs pulling Adelaide towards him more as she struggles to get out of his grasp.

Then. I catch movement on her thigh.

That dirty pig.

His hand starts to slide up her skirt which makes her start to sob.

That's what make me finally snap.

I spring up from the floor from when Joshua pushed me, charging at the pair I wrap my hands around his neck which makes him loose grasp on Adelaide as I tackle him with full force.

Without hesitating I raise a fist a bring it down heavily on his face, right where Adelaide slapped him.

He groans in pain and I punch him again.

And again.

And again.

Adelaide's POV

As soon as Thomas tackles Joshua of me I sprint out of the Deadheads. I know I shouldn't leave Thomas alone with that... that UGH! But I need to get help.

As I see Minho, Newt and Gally chatting under a tree close to the Deadheads, I raise towards them making sure not to be see.

"Minho, Newt, Gally!" I shriek and they all snap their heads towards me.

Tears run down my face as if they were waterfalls but I don't care.

"Adelaide?" Newt asks carefully.

"It's Thomas! Help!" Is all I say before I race back in the Deadheads with the three boys hot on my heels.

I dodge tree trunk, rocks and branches until I come to the clearing where Thomas is currently getting beat by Joshua.

I gasp at the sight of my Tommy.

Blood oozes out of his nose and a split occupies the lower right corner of his bottom lip. A bruise is starting to form around his left eye which looks awfully painful.

Gally tackles Joshua off Thomas as Newt and Minho scramble to Thomas' side. I stay planted on the sidelines, watching with tears flowing freely down my cheeks and a hand raised to my mouth in horror.

As Gally restrains Joshua, Minho asks, "What happened?"

Thomas wisp blood from his mouth as he glares at Joshua.

He doesn't say anything so I step in.

No way in hell am I gonna let this slide.

"H-He k-kissed me and t-touched me" I sniffle as I start to choke uncontrollably.

Anger appears on all the boys faces as Gally and Minho tackle the already injured Joshua and Newt runs to my side, pulling me into a well needed hug.

I bury my face into his chest as un-lady like sobs explode from my mouth.

The pig is gonna get it when Alby finds out.


To say Alby was furious was definitely inaccurate.

Just picture Alby's usual temper but times it by like, a billion.

Yep, it was scary as hell.

Joshua was immediately banished but I couldn't bare to watch. Even if the banishment was done in secret. No one else believes about me yet.

I am currently sitting on a branch in the even, right after the doors closed. Everything seems peaceful but there is still a massive tension in the air.

I look to see Thomas leaning against a tree nearby so I hop down from the branch and walk over to him.

When he sees me he smiles weakly before pulling me into a bone-crushing bear hug.

"I'm so sorry" he whispers in my hair as he digs his face into the crook of my neck. Sparks shoot through my neck.

"It wasn't your fault. He was just a mental and severely prevented boy" I stroke his hair lightly making him tense slightly. "It wasn't your fault"

We pull away from the hug and stare into each other's eyes, and before he knows it I do the thing I have wanted to do all day.

I kiss him.

(A/N: oop, there it is! Thanks so much for almost 600 views! You guys rock!)

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