Rating Nicknames I've Been Called 😀

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1. Fatty
•Given by my brother
•Only gets one point cause it's true, but it still hurts.

2. White Castle Body
•Another one used to body shame me
•The girl literally tried to be my friend the next week saying that it was "in the past" 😀
•3 points for creativity I guess-

3. Michelangelo
•Some short punk was doing some poor excuse of a rap then pointed at and said something like "Unless you got a big nose, like Michelangelo" because I was wearing a Ninja Turtles hoodie
•Sir are you sure you're not just being insecure and taking it out on others? 🥺
•I about dropkicked him one time

4. Bakugo/Kacchan
•Love it, tho I feel like my friend was trying to tell me something-
•Some guy heard my friend call me it and he yelled "Dad?!" And that's the day I found out I apparently had a child with Todoroki ✋😃

5. Failure
•Why mom.. why?
•Literally so rude for no reason :D
•And she wonders why I stay in my room all day-

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