What can we do?

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(I now realise it is nearly impossible to find pictures of Luz and Amity together in the woods-)

When Luz woke up to find herself in complete darkness with no memory of what had happened or where she was, she nearly took the logical choice of completely panicking.

But then again, she knew from experience that panicking in weird possibly dangerous situations would likely land her in a worse situation than before, so she chose the latter.

Luz lay there, frozen in place as she tried to figure out what sort of situation this was. She was rather having difficulty bringing back the events from the night before as well as just focusing on what was going on around her. At the moment the only three things running through her foggy mind were that it was dark, her head and chest were hurting like no tomorrow, and that it was most definitely insanely dark.

She brought her hand in front of her face and squinted at it until her eyes hurt.

'Okay, so seeing is not an option here' she checked off of her list. She attempted to find a light glyph in her pocket but instead found no glyphs at all. 'No magic either' she added.

By now some of the clouds in her brain had lifted away, so she tried once more to figure out where she was. She noticed it was rather warm, cross that really warm. It was a bit soft too, a little wet with only a little bit of room in the small space.

She frowned in frustration and shook her head. "Geez, it's almost like this place is ali..." She trailed off.

She closed her eyes and listened carefully. She could hear a sort of beat or pulse somewhere above her, paired with an occasional rushing of some sort, like wind.

There was also a smell. Something familiar and comforting, yet at the same time it was alien and unknown. Like something she rarely could smell, yet whenever it came to her she would try and hold onto the memory of it before it drifted away and became lost once more.

The pieces started to click together in her mind.

Hurt. No magic. Warm. Dark. Scent. Pulse...

She was about to seriously consider panicking when she heard a frustrated sigh coming from....from....

It was Amity.

That was Amity's voice, her scent, her heart, and her warmth. All of it was Amity.

The events from the night before suddenly came crashing down on her, like a wave threatening to drown her in fear and soak its chill to her bones as horrible images flashed behind her eyes.

Luz was left shivering from the shock of it all. But, as she closed her eyes her focus was drawn away from the horrors and towards Amity instead.

She settled back into the plush walls around her as she let Amity's pulse and scent fill her mind, like a warm wind gently blowing away all of her fears and troubles. Eventually she let slip a sigh, and decided to try for her friend's attention.

She slowly pulled in a breath, before slowly letting it out as she spoke.

"Amity?" She questioned, receiving no response.

She fidgeted a little before trying again a little louder. As she called out the witch's name she sensed a pause in Amity's movements, followed by a hesitation.

"L...Luz?" She questioned back, her voice gentle yet filled with uncertainty.

"Yeah, who else would it be?" She joked, trying to break the ice that seemed to be sitting between them after what had happened the night before.

She heard the witchling let slip a relieved sigh, feeling a slight pressure against her back as Amity rested her hand over her.

"I'm glad you're awake. It seemed like every time you moved it was a false alarm. I was getting a little worried that you might never wake up." She replied, a hint of humor in her voice that made Luz smile a little.

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