Too close for comfort?

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(Might I mention how much it absolutely BUGS me when a show/book/movie never has a character eat or go to the bathroom..........IT MAKES IT SEEM SO UNREAL!!!!!! Not that I wanna see their 'junk' ofc, it just seems fake otherwise -_-)

By the time Luz opened her eyes, it was much later than she had expected. The sun had set behind the skull in the distance, leaving the grass and trees that had seemed to have a golden warm glow to them earlier, with a dark, purple aura that mirrored the mystery of the night sky.
While it took a bit for her eyes to slowly adjust to the lighting, she immediately felt something warm and plush underneath her, while something else almost equally warm, and rather soft, was weighing her down. Upon further investigation, her face flushed a little as she realized she was on top of Amity, with her hand lightly resting over her. Luz could only guess it had been to keep her warm, and when she slipped out from under her slender fingers she was met with the cool breeze of night, much colder than that of the day earlier.
Shivering, she tugged her dress top a bit tighter around herself, and considered retreating back under the familiar comfort of Amity's touch. That is, before she realized she really needed to go.
She studied the distance from where she was to the ground, deciding it wasn't too high as she carefully slipped down off of her. She leaned back against Amity's side for a moment, closing her eyes with a light smile as she listened to her sleep. Since she was so small, she could easily feel the young witch's pulse as she pressed against her. After a moment longer she pulled away with a sigh, and hesitantly headed off into the darkness.
She did happen to notice a small bundle (which she nearly tripped over) and opening it revealed that Amity had left some food out in case Luz had woken up feeling peckish. She smiled a little wider, walking off feeling a bit less frightened with the thought close in mind.
She quickly took care of her business, yet on her way back she started to feel a sort of... uneasiness as if something were hiding in the shadows, following her every move with careful calculating eyes. She was near certain she had heard a twig snap and leaves crackle behind her, nearly sending her running back to Amity's side. She was relieved though, when she returned to the girl's sleeping form unharmed.
Since Amity had rolled over onto her side, rather than attempt clambering back up she rather settled down next to her as she curled up in the space between the back of her neck and the crook of her shoulder in hopes of staying out of the wind. She held back a laugh as some of the girl's hair ruffled in the soft breeze, tickling her a little.
When she was starting to drift off however, she suddenly felt incredibly cold. She glanced back sleepily to see that Amity had shifted up, and was now looking down at her. Luz couldn't see her face, which was shadowed by both the dim light and the stray mint hair that fell around her.
"Hey..." Amity murmured tiredly, clearly as sleepy as Luz, if not more.
Amity gently scooped her up before laying back down. She nuzzled the latino for a moment, likely not even too sure of what she was doing due to her hazy state of mind, yet Luz didnt mind. After a bit Luz realized that she had fallen back into sleep.
She couldn't help but laugh a little, laying down as she nuzzled Amity's chest, enjoying being back in the girl's company. It didn't take long for her to follow after in dreams, nearly forgetting the fear she had felt, and the unsettling sense of being watched that had come with it.
When the sun had started peeking up past the knee in the distance, Luz, again, was the first to be aroused from slumber. She groaned, her head aching a bit as she felt that something had her pinned to the ground. She glanced up groggily to find Amity's arm draped over her, the girl laying on her side again as she snored lightly. Luz grumbled in frustration as she tried to get the girl's arm off, giving up until the witch shifted in her sleep allowing Luz to sit up with a yawn.
She smiled in sleepy amusement as she studied the unconscious girl's face, which hung upen a little as Amity drooled. It was actually somewhat gross, but in Luz's opinion, kind of cute. 'You've literally been inside of her mouth, and now you find drooling gross?' Her mind scolded, making Luz feel like a complete weirdo or freak for what she had said the other day.
Although, unlike the memory of the day before, the ones from last night weren't as fresh in her mind as she wandered off into the illuminated woods. It was actually quite a bit interesting exploring the forest when she was this size. It hadn't been as weird when Amity was holding her since she was up near her original eye level. But now, even when she craned her neck as far back as she could and squinted, she couldn't see the top of even the shortest tree in sight.
She shuddered, starting to feel a bit more uncomfortable as she kicked at a pebble that lay at her feet.
She turned back to check on Amity when she heard a soft rustle in the brambles. She paused, tensing up as she felt a sense of anxiety wash over her. She was unsure if the sound had been caused by the wind, or possibly something else. She ended up deciding she was being rather paranoid, and turned away from where she had heard the disturbance.
She wasn't too far away from where she had left her friend when she realized her dire mistake.
Upon hearing an alarmingly loud rustle, she started to whirl around only to be slammed in the chest and tossed away into the air. She roughly crashed into a tree root with a huff, unable to react as she fell to her hands and knees and attempted to recover her breath despite her dizziness. Taking her weakened state as an opportunity, the thing attacked her a second time, throwing her away before she landed on a sharp stone. She cried out in pain as it's rough edges cut into her arm that was crushed awkwardly underneath her.
She sputtered and coughed for air, her heart racing faster than she even knew it could go. She forced herself to her feet, clutching her burning arm as she stumbled away as fast as her aching feet and bruised legs could carry her. She was seconds too late to respond, taking a hit to the legs with a yelp as she fell forwards. Her head slammed roughly into the dirt floor, sending throbbing pain up through her head as the pain in her arm increased. She groaned as her vision blurred over, like she was trying to see through murky water.
Whatever this thing was it was toying with her, attacking before quickly retreating into the shadows. Then, before she could even think to react it would come at her again. Definitely toying with her, she was sure of it. She struggled to get back up again, but only managed to roll over and prop herself up a little. She stared into the shadowy branches of a bush, determined that the thing was hiding inside of it. She could tell it wasn't Grometheous. This had nothing to do with any of her fears, and personally she felt he was too dense to pull off an elaborate plan like this.
She whimpered as the plant rustled, leaves parting as some sort of creature or demon stepped out into the opening before her.
It was almost wolf or fox-like, or at least to the human realm standards, and yet, it's tail was too long and its limbs were shaped a bit funny. As it slowly paced forwards, it was as if parts of it disappeared and reappeared, and there seemed to be some forms of scales here and there hidden under its fur. It's icy blue eyes pierced her, its blank expression leaving her frozen in its gaze. It was as if the creature had some sort of aura of high or holiness to it.
She whined again as it approached, only to be altogether frightened even more as she heard a soft growl from behind her.
The creature paused, breaking the spell with a head tilt that was just enough for Luz to slowly turn to look behind her. Something crawled forwards through the undergrowth, letting loose another blood curdling snarl that sent chills running down her spine. Although, as a familiar hand with shiny blackened nails reached forwards and sank into the ground, followed by the rest of Amity, Luz almost cried out to her. Her voice caught though, as she stared at the expression on the witch's face.
It was entirely menacing, the entirety of her face filled with a burning passionate hatred and pure anger, and even though she knew it wasn't directed towards her it still frightened her just the same. She thought she saw a startled hint of horror drift across Amity's face upon seeing the beast for a split second, before it returned to the same furious expression just as quickly.
Amity crawled forwards a little, growling as she clicked her teeth together in a somewhat threatening challenge. Luz noticed the creature take a hesitant step back, followed by a second. As Luz's gaze drifted back towards Amity, she couldn't help but notice the witch's foot moving. It slowly traced in a circle, giving off a light barely noticeable amongst the leaves that formed a thick layer on the ground beneath them. Luz was surprised to realize that Amity was trying to cast a spell, which was something she had only seen done with a person's hands, so it very well intrigued her a little...
When the two ends met, she felt a strange cold sensation trickle down through her, causing her to shiver a bit harder and forget her curiosity which had formed as a distraction
'No, don't fight it.' She heard Amity's muffled voice growl roughly, although she hadn't seen Amity's lips move, let alone see her gaze travel away from the demon. Despite how strange it was, she relaxed a little, and the cold chill replaced itself with a warmer sensation.
'There you go, you're alright.' Amity assured gently, her voice clearer as Luz realized the source was actually inside of her head.
'Am...Amity?' She attempted thinking back, receiving a response immediately.
'Yes, I can hear you too, but that's not important right now.' Amity thought back, pacing a bit forwards while the beast shifted away as it's ears pressed back against its head. 'What matters is we've got a really big problem on our hands if she's really who I think she is, if she's a Carashifter...'
Luz glanced up at Amity, entirely confused as to what the girl was even talking about.
'Don't look at me!' The voice snarled angrily, causing Luz to cower and curl up in a ball as she stared down at her feet. 'Sorry...' The Amity continued in a quieter tone. 'We just... It wouldn't be good if she were to find out I was helping you, rather than just being another creature competing for prey.'
Luz shuddered again. She did not like being referred to as prey. 'But won't she know you're a witch?'
'Sure.' Amity replied, taking another step. 'But it's actually not uncommon or unheard of for a witch to go into the woods and hunt like this, as bloodthirsty and frowned upon as it is.'
Luz felt like she was going to be sick. For a witch to murder and devour innocent demons like that... It seemed unreal.
'Just try not to think about it, that's what I try to do anyways...' Amity reassured.
Luz was about to respond, when she looked up worriedly as the 'shifty whatever' seemed to regain it's confidence as it came forwards, it's tail swishing back and forth as a lofty look came across its face.
'Dammit...' Amity swore, nearly causing Luz to flinch 'I can't explain now, but when I say so I need you to run. Don't stop running, whatever you do keep running keep going until I tell you otherwise. Even from me, or she will see right through us.'
Amity's request, or rather order, confused and frightened her, but she knew better than to question Amity's instructions.
Both of the predators slowly started to approach her, showing off warning signs as they tried to intimidate each other into backing down. As they drew closer, Luz was torn between the urge to take off now, and to wait for Amity's signal.
'Wait for it...' Amity insisted, seeming to sense Luz's fearful anticipation.
'Now!' Amity's voice screamed in her head, nearly leaving her too disoriented to run. To top it off, the shifter was now towering above her as it rushed forwards, it's shadow looming menacingly over her.
Luz squealed in fear, adrenaline pumping through her veins as she jumped up and took off with speed she hadn't known she could possess. She kept running, leaving behind the hissing and growling of the hunters.
As her rush of adrenaline started to run thin, the pain in her muscles and arm started to return as her eyes teared up. She forced herself to keep pushing forwards past all of her obstacles despite her immense pain. She could still hear them, crashing through the undergrowth after her which proved to be her only form of motivation other than her hopes that Amity really knew what she was doing.
Eventually the sounds of the others died away, and Luz let herself slow a little as she panted heavily. Her eyes darted around her surroundings anxiously, desperately searching for the hunters to be sure that they weren't still too close nearby. She spotted a hole down between the roots of a tree, and quickly ducked down in between the dirt and the rough bark in hopes of hiding from her pursuers.
She crawled a good way in, before turning around to wait anxiously.
She listened carefully, glancing around back and forth around the clearing through the opening of her makeshift cave. When she finally started to calm down a little, any hit of calamity was drenched in bitter fear as one of them came into the clearing, and it wasn't the one she had hoped for.
The demon sniffed around, silently searching for it's prey. When it started to get a bit too close for comfort, Luz started to crawl backwards through the tight tunnel. She didn't realize that the hollow traced all the way under the tree and out the other side until she had moved back into the open. Deciding it was far too late to attempt going back in, she decided to risk it and start running.
It didn't take long for the sound of her hunter's footsteps to crash behind her in pursuit. Deep down, she wasn't sure how much more she could take as pain, exhaustion, and breathlessness all swirled inside of her like an angry storm. Her question of how much longer was quickly answered as her foot caught underneath a root, sending her tumbling forwards with a soft cry of pain. Since she had lost her dress coat to some sharp sticks while running, her arms were now more exposed, leaving her incredibly sliced up and bruised from the fall.
She could feel herself give up far before she was swatted away like a bug by the powerful creature's claws.
As she tumbled down through a bush and out onto the other side, she closed her eyes and let slip a mournful whimper as she admitted defeat. She had by far given up with such a determination that when she was gently scooped up by caring hands she couldn't even believe it at first.
"It's alright Luz, I wish you could have kept going but it's alright. Its over little one." Amity whispered reassuringly. She felt the girl lightly trace her finger against her back in smooth circular motions, most of the pain slowly fading away as she relaxed under the girl's touch.
She didn't bother to react as Amity growled, hearing a shuffle which Luz assumed to be the demon.
'If you didn't know... listed in any dictionary here is Carashifter, a heartless beast demon that is an acutely skilled hunter, and the only way to take a selected prey target from it without it trying to murder you is... to compete for it and take it as your own kill...They also have a preference for devouring 'lesser creatures' whole...' Amity's voice trailed off.
Luz's mind was too slow to really grasp what Amity was truly hinting at before the Witchling shoved Luz's upper body into her mouth past her teeth. Finding herself in a sudden inky darkness, Luz panicked and struggled against Amity's grasp for a moment.
'Luz! Hey, hey, you're okay! Please, I'm not going to hurt you!' Amity insisted, real concern painted clearly in her voice even though it was just in Luz's head.
After a bit more struggling she collapsed tiredly, giving in to her exhaustion as Amity pressed the rest of her in. Luz lay there motionless as she allowed Amity to shift her around a little. There was something about how Amity was handling her that seemed rushed, like she was much more eager and desperate to get the whole thing over with quickly. Luz assumed it was because of how much more dangerous this scenario was compared to last time.
As Amity's tongue shifted up, slowly pressing the first bit of her down Luz unexpectedly sobbed in pain as the pressure sent agony shooting up her arm like lightning despite Amity's healing and numbing spells.
She could feel herself start to get pushed back up, before the Witch changed her mind and swallowed again instead.
'I...I'm so sorry Luz...' Amity's voice said quietly. Sadness, guilt, and even pain were clear in her voice.
She gulped again to pull the rest of her down, and then one last time more as her throat gently massaged the girl down. For Luz though, Amity's warmth and tenderness caused little comfort from the agonizing pain as the walls pressed in on her and her arm. It seemed painfully slow, and she noticed Amity swallow a few more times to try and get her down as quickly as she could.
'I'm sorry...I'm sorry...' The witch's voice continued to sob in her head, proving how horrible this really was for Amity knowing how much this was hurting Luz this time. Luz wanted to forgive her, but she couldn't focus on giving any full trains of thought, rather just snippets and jumbled words that made no sense even to herself.
She finally was pulled down into a space that was warm, comforting, and familiar. And, despite the pain still clear in her arm, she did feel somewhat better. Although without the distraction of the pain, it only made her fear feel more real and prominent.
A chill ran down her spine, a clear opposite compared to the warmth all around her. Something inside her seemed to give way and break, leaving her unstable, and absolutely terrified. It was a strange, hazy state of mind that she had never felt herself be trapped in before. Or at least, not in a very long time...
"Hide me!" Luz sobbed desperately in between shuddering breaths, her voice and actions like that of a lost or terribly frightened child. "Hide me, d-don't let it find me! I w-won't wander off ever again, please forgive me!" She begged, starting to cry as she buried her shaky hands and tear stained face against Amity.
'L-Luz!?' The witch gasped, fear and concern burning strongly in her voice and her mind from the pieces that connected them, yet Luz continued to beg and sob as Amity dealt with whatever was happening on the outside.
It was like Luz was caught in a trance, unable to defer fantasy from reality or what was happening to her in her head compared to what was really happening. It was like baing in a real live mental state of hell, haunted by the nagging fear of death. It was only when Amity begged for Luz's attention and repeatedly tried to assure her that the creature was long gone when Luz started to calm down just a little.
As her racing heart and shaking started to slow, she fell near-silent as she struggled to contain her pants and sobs.
"You're alright Luz, you're safe, please. I promise you're safe, please calm down. Y-your scaring me..." Amity said again and again, basically repeating the same thing just with different wording.
Eventually she gave up trying to calm her with her voice, attempting to use touch instead before giving up on that tactic too. She hesitated, before finally falling upon a final decision.
"I'm sorry Luz... This is for your own good, I promise. When you wake up you'll be feeling much better, trust me."
With that, a strange sensation ran through her again, alerting her that Amity had cast a spell. Her thoughts started to get all foggy and weighed down, the warmth around her becoming more obvious and bold on the girl's skin. It felt weird for her body to relax not of her own accord, like something had taken her place controlling her body. Despite her struggles, her eyes were soon weighed shut and her breathing slowed.
It didn't take long to recognize this as a sleeping spell, yet she didn't have long to think about it before she was seemingly pressed away to the back of her mind.
'It's alright, just relax, leave your worrying for when you wake up.' Amity's thoughts filled the last few awakened spaces of her mind before she finally slipped away into sleep...
'Goodnight... Luz.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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