Demon Slayer skit part II

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(One more character is added. Mad dog as Inosuke.)

"Okay guys, this is like the second part of the previous one!" Kristine exclaimed. 

The screen light up and showed Sakusa in a blue and green haori standing with butterflies around him. 

"Oh Omi look! You're here too!" Atsumu said feeling excited.

He was looking down when suddenly he looked up and camera angled to show like something was speeding towards him and Hinata who was on ground laying on top of Yachi in a protective way. 

"Why is he laying on top of Yachi?" Kiyoko asked hugging Yachi even closer. "Ah~ don't worry. They are siblings in this world." Krinstine replied.

Suddenly Sakusa started drawing his sword out when Atsumu came running towards them really fast. He was going to slash Yachi and Hinata when Sakusa protected them.

Looking at this scene everyone in theater was intrigued and sat up straight. Suddenly  the atmosphere was serious. After all the power couple were seen opposite each other. Not that they aren't rivals in real life.

On the screen Atsumu flew from them and just looked at them. "Ara?" He did a mid flip and then stood straight his back facing to Sakusa, hinata and Yachi. Hinata was still protecting Yachi with his body. Atsumu suddenly spoke," Why would you get in my way, Sakusa-san?"

There was a dead silence in the theater. Sakusa felt a chill run down his spine and he shivered at Atsumu calling him by his last name. Meanwhile, Komori looked at his cousin a little worried if he was alright.

Atsumu turned around the sword still in his hand, "This is why........."

"Why the fucking suspense." Kageyama sighed.

" one likes you." 

Everyone in the theater burst out laughing. Sakusa just sat there in shock while Atsumu and Komori tried to make him happy by reminding that this isn't real world.

The Sakusa on screen looked at Atsumu and said, "I'm not......I'm not disliked by people." While Hinata besides him was shocked by it. "Uhh" Hinata said. Same with Atsumu. 

Atsumu then looked at him with pity and said, " Well, I'm sorry. You haven't even realized that people don't like you ,then? That was uncalled for. Please forgive me" 

Hearing this everyone laughed even louder while Suna was video taping everything. It was just too funny, while Sakusa was even more shocked and sulked even more. 

Sakusa the turned serious and said to Hinata, "Make yourself move even if you can't move. Take your sister and run." while still in a defensive stance. Hinata quickly gathered up a small Yachi in his hand, "Thank you very much." He told Sakusa and started running from there. 

The theater stopped laughing and their went back to the screen. Everyone was now intrigued with what will happen.

Atsumu looked at Hinata running and then smiled again," Isn't that against Corpse rules?"

"Huh whats corpse and what is against their rules?" Goshiki asked.

Kristine looked at him and replied, " The corpse is the association where the Demon Slayers work. And Hinata is actually a demon slayer whose entire family was eaten by a Demon and only Yachi remained. But Yachi had already turned into an Demon and its against Corpse rule for Demon slayer to work with a Demon or not killing a Demon as soon as spotted." Everyone nodded at the explanation and looked back at the screen.

Sakusa stared at Atsumu and then both clashed their swords. Both were now standing in fighting stance in front of each other. 

Atsumu: Who would have thought a Hashira would ever defend a demon?

"Whats Hashira?" Lev asked.

"Hashira are the top tier Demon slayers. Both Atsumu and Sakusa are Hashiras." Everyone awwed at this new found information.

Suddenly Atsumu jumped really high and started jumping from tree to tree. He looked behind to see Sakusa still standing on the same spot. "Is this your attempt at catching up to me?"

"Okay but since when did Atsu babe became this sassy?"Shirabue asked while chuckling. "Atsu babe was always sassy Shira babe." Kenma replied. While their boyfriends felt jealous. Now they understood how Iwaizumi and Sakusa always felt.

On the screen Sakusa started chasing after Atsumu. Atsumu suddenly jumped really high from from a tree branch, along with his Sakusa jumped too. Suddenly the screen changed to show Atsumu being carried like a potato sack by Sakusa. 

"But what youre doing is against Corps rules." Atsumu said while not able to move even a muscle. Sakusa just looked really done. Atsumu started speaking again, "Give me one reason at least."

"Lol Atsu babe your manz really did you like that." Kawa said while Atsumu just made a sad face. 

On the screen Sakusa started speaking.

"If I'm remembering this right, it was two years ago." Sakusa started. "Please don't start some long, rambling story from that far back in time. Are you perhaps still angry that I pointed out that people dont like you?" Atsumu cut him off. 

"DAMNNNNN ATSU BABE IS REALLY ROASTING HIS MANZ" Suga wheezed out while repeatedly hitting Daichi and Asahis arms. 

Sakusa was again shock when a danger came out of Atsumus sleepers thingy. Sakusa realized this when Atsumus leg started moving towards him. The dagger was going to hit Sakusa when they were interrupted by a voice.

"I have a message from the headquarters!" The screen then changed to Atsumu and Sakusa putting their sword back into the holder thingy. The voice spoke again. "Bring them back! Bring them back! Hinata, dressed in checkered haori, with a scar on his forehead. Yachi, a demon girl with a bamboo muzzle! Bring them back! Bring them back!" and with that the screen turned black while showing Sakusa and Atsumu walking away.

"Wow that was something." Akaashi said.

"Yeah I'm like looking forward for more of this actually!" Yaku said and everyone agreed. Sakusa was still sulking but went back to his normal self after Atsumu gave him a kith.

Sooooo did you guys like it? Please let me know so that I can know what changes to do in the next chapter. I've changed my writing way as now I'm actually using a laptop instead on mobile phone. Let me know if you find someone things hard to read or anything like that. 

Thanks for reading. 

Love ya💜

𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝑺𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 [MOSTLY ATSUMU]Where stories live. Discover now