Chapter 8

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  I woke up for the third time that night hearing an up beat tune. I sat up and looked out the window that was now slowly growing with light. I rubbed my eyes and turned off my alarm that was blasting One Direction's new single "Kiss You". At the moment I switch it off I heard a mumble. i looked over to see Alfie sitting up and looking at his phone. i smiled over at him and he did the same.

 "All better?" He asked in a medium voice that I could barely hear. I nodded and he smiled at me. I got up slowly and laid the covers back on Marcus. I slowly walked over to my room and grabbed my clothes out of my suit case. I had picked out a pair of tan skinny jeans, then I picked out a cream colored quater sleeved shirt to go under my oatmeal colored sweater. next i grabbed my cream leg warmers with my tan boots that go up to my knees. I put a snogg with it and a huge tan purse too so i could carry my camera.

 I looked at my self in the mirror as I pulled some strands of hair out of my loose ponytail. I place a gold ring that had an forever sing with the tiny inscription that says 'Directioner'. I decided to wear the matching necklace under my snogg to. I wanted to support my boys today, i guess. then I snuck into Zoe's room and stole her make up bag....hehe.....I forgot my make-up......the one thing I forget.....and the second most important at that.

 I picked up her consealer and placed it onto my face. It made my face suddenly wake-up and I felt happy. I then took out the brozner and dabbed the brush in the brozner. I moved it acroos my face and put it up. I then took out the blusher and picked out the samon color. I smiled into the mirror and brushed it up  my cheek bone. I then got out the eye-liner and did a surda cat eye look but only on the top...don't want to look like a racoon do I??? I applied the eye shadow that was a tan brown color. I then decided to go with light red lipstick, and carefully made sure I did not have any lipstick on my teeth. I the carefully made sure that everything looked normal.

 I slowly sneaked into the hallway and started making my way to her room. I finally made it to the doorway, and placed the bag back where I found it when Marcus passed by. I stood still and didn't move. He wallked passed and I thought I was safe until he walked back three steps...

 "Good morning Zoe!" He said then continued walking, i waved and then made sure he was out of the hallway. I finally escaped her room and went back to mine. I snickered to myself as I went to tell Zoe. I found her still laying on her pallet so I decided to do something.....I grabbed the end of the pallet that she wasn't laying on and quickley pulled it out from under her. I laughed as she got up startled. She glared at me and started stroming over to her room till i grabbed her elbow...I whispered my plan into her ear and a smile curled up on her lips.

 We both ran into her room and it turns out she has the exact same outfit as me. So she then copied my make-up and my ring which I let her wear the silver one....They want I slowly sneaked out and we started our little cheeky joke!

^^^^^^^^At 10:00a.m.^^^^^^^

 "Hey Zoe!" Alfie said to me as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I laughed to myself as he kissed my forehead. Marcus wrapped his arms around Zoe's shoulders and smiled down at her. She smiled back and winked at me. I smiled and let out a small chuckle as we walked down the street making our way to Zoe's car. Today we we're going to the shops, this includes Primark....YAY! 

 We climbed into the car with Marcus and Zoe in the back and Alfie, and I in the front. I turned on the radio and we were now listening to Ed Sheeran's "Give Me Love". I almost turn it off but remembered I was acting like Zoe. So I just pretended to sing badly and everyone else chipped in. The song soon ended and we were now listneing to One Direction's "Kiss You" I started doing a little dance in my seat. Alfie and Marcus were singing... I had to say Alfie is quit a great singer.

 We pulled into the Primark parking area, Zoe and I ran out of the car. We met at the doors and looked back at the boys. They were both staring at us and I quickley looked away. I rushed into the doors and fastly walked with my head down, I suddenly bumped into something hard. I fell to the ground I quickley got up and looked at the bolder. The hazel orbs looked back into mine and I mumbled a sorry. I quickely ran off but was taken back bye a strong arm grabbing mine.

 "We need to talk." He said in a whisper.

 "We have nothing to talk about." I said as I yanked my arm back from his grasp.

 "Yes we do." He said as I heard footsteps behind me.

 "We have nothing, Jack!" I said as I quickley ran over to the nearest corner I could find.

 "What are you doing here?" Asked Marcus, who now seemed in a bad mood.

 "Whats wrong with you mate? You okay?" asked Jack who was now inching closer to me.

 " Well you broke her heart." Marcus said as he made his way towards me. I grabbed his hand and got up.

 "I will be going now." I said as I let go of Marcus's hand and walked with Zoe to the womens section. I looked at a shirt with a heart on it. It had the words: "Winter's Mark". I dont know what it mean't but it was probably some type of thig that involes love. I walked away and went neck to Zoe.

 "Do you want to go to the make-up shop across the street? I need some make-up." I aked Zoe. She nodded.

 "Yeah, I saw what you did. Don't think I didn't!" She said with a smile. I laughed and we walked out of Primark. I heard a muph. I looked to the side and saw Marcus swinging puches at Jack. I ran over and pushed Marcus off of Jack. I leaned down and  wiped the blood that was coming from a cut in Jack's lip. I looked at Marcus that had a round red mark on his cheek. I glared at him and then looked back down at Jack, I felt his cheeks. They were going colder by the second.

 "Call an ambulence,"I said as I picked him up Marcus went to help but I pushed him away," Done'y touch him." I said coldly as an ambulence pulled into the lot. I carried hi, over and they gently put him on a gerny. 

 "You can meet us at the hospital, miss." The middle aged man said. I nodded and ran to the car getting in and going to Zoe. She jumped in and so did Alfie. marcus tried but I locked the door.

 "Find your own way." I said coldly and I drove off. Zoe and Alfie were silent the whole time. All I could think was 'is he okay, i should have replyed'. we pulled up in the hospital and I sat still. Zoe patted my leg and Alfie squeezed my sholders.

 I stepped out of the car and walked up to the doors slowly.

 I watched as they pushed jack into a room. i wanted to run after him, but my feet stayed glued to the tile floor.

Why do I care though?



No I don't


Maybe I still love this Jack Harries......

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