Chapter 11

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"Jack!" I scream, trying to get my boyfriends attention.

"Yes?" he screams back.

"I'm going out again, do you want to come or stay here?"

"I'll stay here, I need to edit a video."

Shoot, I need to film something for this weeks video... my channel isn't all about my singing now, I vlog too. what to film... what to film... ah stuff it, I'll brainstorm on the way to the salon.

"Okay then, bye!" I grab my jacket, snood and keys and walk out the house. As I'm closing the front door I hear Jack scream.

"See you soon! I love you!" I feel my cheeks warm up and a smile stretch across my face. Luckily, he can't see me right now, that'd be embarrassing.

I hop into my mini cooper and drive off to the salon. Little Mix's 'How ya doin?' is introduced on the radio and immediately, I start dancing in my seat (safely of course :S ) singing along to the song.

I pull into a car park as I see a bright pink sign that reads 'Lucy's' I rush into the store, trying to avoid the snow outside, I'm immediately welcomed by a pretty girl with brunette pixie cut hair.

"How can I help you?" She asks kindly.

"I was hoping to get my hair done, do I need an appointment?"

"Sounds great! and of course not! just take a seat over there and Niomi will be with you in a second!" She smiles brightly and turns to walk away.

I take a seat on the comfortable sofa set out at the front and read a magazine whilst I wait.

"You ready love?" I jump up, startled and come eye to eye (well not literally as I'm quite short) with a beautiful blond girl, with brown eyes and a perfectly tall figure. Recognition clouds over her eyes and her smile widens "Zoe?"

"Haha, no sorry" I say awkwardly chuckling.

"Well you must be Iris then?" she asks, making the conversation more awkward.

"That's me." I smile to her politely.

"You're a brilliant singer! And you're friends with Zoe and that too right?"

"Too?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, me, Zoe, Alfie and Marcus went to Beyonce together recently" I wince slightly as she mentions Marcus. And they went to Beyonce without me! traitors..

"Awesome! I heard the concert was amazing." she nods, "how do you know them anyway?"

"I'm dating Marcus."

I'm sorry! It's short, but I promise that I will definitely update within the next week.

My answers to last weeks Questions:

1) If you were to add a 13th month into the year, where would you put it and what would you call it? - personally, I would put it in between December and Janurary, I'd call it Millierary. ;)

2) why is the word "abbreviation" so long?- I dont know, I only added this question because I didn't know what else to ask...

3) What is your favorite holiday?- well, every year we go visit my step brother and niece in Perth, Australia. But I'm sure if I were to holiday in England or something I'd choose that. :)

4) What is your favorite song?- 'Adventure Time' by BriBry, I'll put it on the side.

5) If you could have any job in the world, what job would you have?- I've always wanted to be a singer. :)

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