Chapter 12

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Boyfriend...? Marcus was Niomi's boyfriend? Marcus had a girlfriend? Marcus was in a relationship? Why is this effecting me so much? I love Jack. But why do I feel like my heart was just ripped out of my chest and stepped on repeatedly? Do I still have feelings for Marcus?

At this point I realise Niomi's probably expecting a reply from me.

"Awh really cute!" Seriously? cute? stupid, stupid, stupid. "How long have you been together?"

"About 2 weeks now!" She replies enthusiastically, she beams at me in the mirror.

"You seem really happy" I state.

"I really am, he couldn't make me happier!" I stretch a fake smile across my face 'I used to say that too...' I thought to myself.

"Well that's important" I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"It definitely is!" She starts to wet my hair down, preparing it for a big trim. "Zoe told me you and Jack are together?" I nod smiling genuinely at the mention of Jacks name, "Well isn't that sweet!"

I chuckle.

"So do you have a youtube channel?" I ask.

"Nope! I don't think I'd have nearly enough confidence for that!"

"Really? you seem quite confident, and there isn't much confidence needed anyway. You should definitely start up a channel!"

"You know what? I just might do that!" She beams at me.

1 hour later...

"Open your eyes love!"

My eyes open, taking a moment to adjust to the light. As soon as they have, I take a peek at my reflection. I gasp in surprise. I look completely different! My once long brown hair has been changed to blond hair with honey and caramel highlights, reaching just before my boobs. I jump up and pull Niomi into a big bear hug.

"Thankyou so so much! It's incredible!"

"Thats fine love! no problem at all!"

I turn back to look at my reflection, running my hands through my hair.

"We should go out for lunch sometime?" Niomi asks suddenly, startling me.

"That would be great! I'll give you my number!" After giving her my number I walk over to the front desk to pay.

"Thankyou once again! Call me when you're free!" I shout out to Niomi whilst walking out the door. Next thing I know I'm falling bum first to the ground. I land with a big oompfh.

"Sorry, didn't see where I was going!" I keep my head down but instantly recognise that voice. Struggling to hide my face whilst I stand up Marcus grabs my forearm kindly.

"Are you alright?" I look up for the first time and instantly regret it.

A look of recognition takes over his face as he gasps suttley.

"Iris? Is that you?" He asks, still not letting go of my forearm. I try to rip my arm out of his hold, but it wont budge. "Iris, please."

I look back into his eyes and instantly give in when I see a look of hurt and guilt fill in them.

"Hey Marcus." I mutter quietly.

"It's been a while..." He lets go of my arm finally, "I've missed you."

I feel like I've been stabbed in the stomach at his words. I just nod stupidly and turn to walk away.

"Iris! wait!" He calls after me and I stop in my tracks. "Can I walk you home?"

"It's snowing marcus and I've got my car." I reply, coming off harsher than I intended, Instanly I regret it. "but if you want to catch up... we can talk over a coffee?"

"I'd like that alot." He beams. "Race you there." He replies before sprinting towards his car.

I just chuckle to my self, shaking my head. I walk slowly towards my car, by the time I got back to my car, there's no doubt that Marcus would have already arrived at starbucks.

Hi there!

Who do you rather? Jack or Marcus?

and how do you feel about Marcus' Girlfriend?

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