Chapter 2

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Point of view: Frederick Smith

„Sir!" My boss and I turn around, someone from the IT area came running, holding a tray in his hand. "Smith and Brown, the two of you are going there. You two are the best in this area, I want you to search every spot, if you discover something, contact me immediately!" Mike and I are taking our equipment, and we were sent the location of the cell phone. I get behind the wheel, Mike sits in the passenger seat.

After a 15-minute drive, we arrived. What does the GPS say?" Asking I turn to my partner. Following the signal, it must be very close."

Point of view: X

After sleeping I enter the living room and let myself fall on the sofa without any desire. "Kevin Clark" appears on the screen. I let this name go through my head and lean backwards.


„"Kevin Clark" In my hand, I hold a photo that I took from his file a few seconds ago. Well, look who we got there." I am smiling happily.

In the evening 10 pm

With my gloved fingers I am drumming on the steering wheel. Before I got here, I hacked into the surveillance system, easy, if you ask me. I am surprised the company has not been hacked yet, as weak as their security. We do not want my revenge to end so quickly because I was careless. A look at the entrance of the company almost makes me jump out of the seat. An unsuspecting CEO walking straight to his car, silently getting out of my car and following him. Quietly I sneak behind him and push my gun against his back. I take it by the back collar and pull it to my rented car. I take his suitcase out of his hand and search his pockets for his phone. After I have everything, I signal him to sit in the car with a motion. After a quick glance at the gun, he decides to obey my silent command. Clark sat quietly beside me in his seat. Will you kill me here?" I wonder why he did not even try to escape. I did not even tie him to the car with a rope or anything, I shake my head slightly amused. I would have liked to look forward to a little cat and mouse game.

With one movement I threw his bag up on the scaffolding, his mobile phone I threw somewhere, a small favor on my part to the SIOC. In the corner of my eye I see that Clark is looking at my pistol lying next to me. Of course, I did not let him out of my sight the whole time, his hand slowly moving towards the gun, he does not think I noticed. I turn to him abruptly and he slams the car door in shock.

Smiling, I take the gun in my hand and hold it against his temple. His face was pale corpses.

Before I left, I gave Clark a bottle of water. When he asks, he looks at me, should I drink? Is it...?" Twisting his eyes, which he cannot see, I turn the bottle open and forcibly open his mouth. He tries to push me away, but he has no chance. When half of the bottle was empty, I let go of his mouth. Slowly I could see that the substance I put in the bottle shows its effect. Later, I do not need to worry that the police will find something in his stomach, because the substance neutralizes itself and turns into water. Slowly, my new victim drifts into the land of dreams.

After 2 hours' drive, I arrive at the destination. Now at least I do not have to worry about how to get him into the building. I pull Clark out of the car and he falls to the ground without strength. I grab Clark's leg and drag him to the entrance of the abandoned factory.

In the prepared room I drop it in the middle. With my gloved hands, I reach into his hair and lift his head, he looks at me with big eyes, why? Why are you doing this? What have I done? I don't know you!" Smiling, I look at him." My first words that have left my lips since Clark was present. are..." he couldn't finish talking because I pushed his head under water. After his body slowly slackens, I pull his head up again, I repeat this several times.

After he stops moving, I will put him in a body bag. His chest, which moves weakly up and down, confirms to me that he is only unconscious. I am slowly putting it on his forehead. After that I close the bag and place it gently on a sliding mat.

Having arrived at the river below the factory, I leave the sliding mat. I gently let him slide into the water, after all I do not want him to come to consciousness again. After I let go, I see him washed away, wondering where his journey is going.

Back at the car I drive away and after I gave the car back, I came home.

In the now

After the news is over, I turn off the TV again. It is going to take a while for the SIOC to figure it out, hopefully they found Clark's stuff. After all, I did not throw his things there for nothing.

Frederick Smith

"Can't you figure out exactly where the phone is?" " No, it seems there's signal jammer around here." " The best way to split up is to get ahead faster." My counterpart nods. I look after him as he goes east while I stay in the west. Without turning around, I ask him, "Have you found it yet?" " No, but I found his bag. In my pocket I found his wallet and more, but not his cell phone." "So, it's still around here somewhere." Thoughtfully I walk back a few steps, as if that had been the sign, I see a little further back in the bushes.

When we get to the SIOC, we give the bag to the forensics department, hoping they can find something useful.

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