Forgiveness Goes a Long Way

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'To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness' -Robert Muller-


Approximately 5 days before the clearance.

The door to the locker room was pushed open a little too hard that the sound echoed to the almost empty room.

"Oh Prom? I thought you have a photo shoots at the beach?", Ohm asked, remembering clearly that Prom said he wouldn't go to the institute because he had a photo shoot in their group chat earlier this morning.

Prom didn't answer his questions instead, he went straight to Yin who was packing up after training and grabbed him by the collar.

"What the-"

"What the fuck Yin, you've been ignoring War since that day?!"

Ohm who was sitting now standing up, trying to deescalate the situation but it was kinda useless. Prom was a social butterfly, he's friendly and rarely gets angry but when he does, it'll be hard to calm him down.

Yin looked at his best friend with an expression that was hard to read.


"How do I know that? I saw him coming to the beach where I had the photo shoot today, he was talking to my colleague Tay Tawan and I happened to wander around the area when I heard him telling P'Tay and his boyfriend everything, he fucking cried because of you!"

"War knows Tay Tawan?" Ohm given up trying to calm Prom.

"Him and his boyfriend are War's senior in his previous university", Prom decided to let Yin go after he saw how conflicted and silent Yin has gotten.

"I thought you regretted storming out of the house, that's why now you're busy joining the investigation team as an apology, I thought you've reached out to War", Ohm was on this case now, after he got a good grasp on why Prom was storming in angry.

Yin who had been silent suddenly hit his locker in frustration. When asked if he really regretted blaming War and not giving him a chance to explain that day, yes, he really regretted it. Yin knew that he must have made War cry but hearing his friends confirm about it was a huge blow to Yin. He didn't mean to ignore War, he wanted to reply to the text that War sent but he didn't know where to start or what to say.

"I'm such an idiot", Yin groaned, tugging at his hair in frustration.

"Good thing you know you're stupid"

"I never meant to but... ughhhh why am I not good at this stuff?"

Realizing that what Yin did to War was purely due to Yin's lack of control over his emotions from being insensitive for too long, the two friends finally softened up. Of course, what Yin did could not be justified because he had hurt War but Yin could still correct his mistakes, if he was willing to put in the effort.

"Then answer his text!", Prom said

"I couldn't.... I couldn't, not before I'm sure that everything's gonna be fine..... what should I do?"

Yin looked truly hopeless because all this time he thought if he could help the investigation run faster and smoother then he could get a chance to be forgiven. So he waited until it's done.

"Go find him, sincerely apologize to him and explain everything. Whether he forgives you or not, that's on him. But ignoring him all together isn't it, you motherfucker", Prom slapped the back of Yin's head.

"But now that it's gone this far, I think you should wait until the investigation done first. It'll be hard to convince War and his brother otherwise that you've taken part in it"

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