Special Chapter 1 : War and His Battle

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This special chapter happened when Yin and War was in the early stage of their relationship. Yin hasn't made his twitter account so not many outside the Puikus Institute know about War and his status as Yin's boyfriend.

and that eventually ticked War off.


War never felt the need to overthink when it comes to his relationship with Yin, even though Yin already had his own fanclub and was a walking attention magnet. Because he was assured, Yin only had eyes for him. War never feelt irritated if they're approached by fanboys or fangirls in Puikus, he got used to it and tolerated it. But that apparently could change too once he realized that Yin also had people who are interested in him around outside Puikus. People who wouldn't hesitant to look down on others because they think they know Yin better than everyone else.

It irritated War to a certain point.

The first time it happened was when Yin took him to a casual dinner with the youth community that his dad was part of. Basically, a dinner for kids who's parents are rich businessmen to find rich friends for future business partner or maybe future life partner. Young teenagers from age 16 to 20 years old new adults are gathering in a private beach.

The whole setting was great, War loved it right away when they arrived. It's not a surprise he also met with Prom, Ohm and Fluke. Their whole gang of friends were there and War thought it wasn't bad idea to tag along after all.

"Yin, nong War, over here!", Ohm waved at them from a table where him, Fluke and Prom sit.

Yin waved back before casually taking War's hand and guiding him to their friends.

"Here comes the newly minted couple", Prom said, faking annoyance as Yin pulled a chair for War to sit before taking a seat beside him.

"Get yourself a partner I beg, I'm tired of hearing you whine about being the only single person in our group", Ohm snickered, which made the others giggle.

"Meh, I'm fine. I whine to annoy you guys anyway", Prom said casually, while Yin just shake his head.

The friends group easily fell into a happy chatter as the night continues over delicious dinner. Soon after they were done eating, the host called the youngster into the open space in the middle as the DJ took the stage. The teenagers were surely having fun. Ohm and Fluke had joined the crowd while Prom and Yin talking to some 'business friends', Yin said. They're the direct heirs of large corporations and Yin was in his professional mode, making small talk for the sake of keeping the good relations intake. War was enjoying his drink in their table while giggling over Fluke's silly moves at the distance as he still wasn't feeling comfortable enough to socialize with the elite kids and Yin never forced him to do that. So, War just leisurely enjoying the night until Yin finally came back.

"Sorry for leaving you alone here, baby", the term of endearment just slipped naturally from Yin's lips. It's something that the taller never hold back, he's been calling War with different nicknames since they started dating.

"It's okay, it's nice here", War welcomed him with a dimpled smile.

"Do you wanna go dancing?", Yin asked after looking at their friends at the crowd.

War looked at his boyfriend with a little surprised smile. Yin sure had loosen up since the first time they've met. He wouldn't even imagine the old Yin would ask him to go dancing. Hell, he would consider not coming to the event at all.

War nodded and the couple joined their friends who looked equally surprised as well seeing Yin actually want to dance. Their little group was having fun dancing and teasing Yin, it was enjoyable.

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