Chapter 1: Part 4

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After having some fun at the Gyrosphere Ava looked at the map to see where she hasn't been to yet and its obvious she hasn't gone to the Visitors Center even tho she was suppose to do that first before everything else but Ava didn't care and wanted to do that one last so she looked at other places and found a boat or canoe ride which she wants to do and went there the line was long but not too long while waiting she encountered Nicolas again but this time he was chatting with a snobby redhead of course Ava is a redhead too but at least she isnt isn't snobby haha Ava was overhearing their conversations apparently the redhead in question was being rude and disrespectful so Ava walked up to the two and Nicolas saw her and smiled "Yo whats up Ava?" Ava had her hands crossed but had a smile on her face as she was kind towards him "Oh was overhearing your conversation and i have to say I'm disappointed in this manager here as she was being a bitch towards her guests and workers" He rubbed the back of his head chuckling "Well thats Claire Dearing she's the operation manager here and yes she is a world class bitch of the park but hey she has a soft side but only towards the Raptor Trainer" Claire stammered and stomped her feet "Excuse me but I am not only kind to him and I'm not a bitch" Ava rolled her eyes and glared at her "You sure as hell don't act like a damn manager because you're being very immature and disrespectful not to mention your legs look like chicken legs in those heels" Claire flushed angrily and embarrassed "I do not have chicken legs!! And I can do whatever I want" Ava laughed shaking her head the people in line were laughing hard "Haha yes you do and really I wonder if Nicolas should tell Simon how cruel you were being to your coworkers hmm?" Claire stood there dumbfounded and still embarrassed asf "He is like a father to me but you do have a point I may have been a bit too harsh with him" Ava nodded "Hey at least He's a gentleman and respectful I'm pretty sure he's used to insults but it wont hurt you to be a little more kinder" Claire sighed in defeat she knows Ava was right and despite her tough demeanor she feels as tho she has been too mean and cruel "Yes I know um are you new here by the way? I haven't seen you around here before miss" Ava smiled and shook her hand "Ava.....Ava Blackwood and yes I'm new here i just arrived yesterday"

Claire took out an envelope and gave it to Ava "This has the information of the park as well as some cash for food its a token of apology for being a bit too harsh but I can't help myself sometimes i kinda had it rough with life which is why I'm often cold but you're right I have been too mean I'll try and improve my socializing skills but I can't promise nothing as I tend to go back to being my cold self" Ava nodded and understood her "That's fine, I understand completely I'm often harsh and cold myself but thats mainly something I dont wish to reveal as to why" Claire nodded and looked at Nicolas he was smiling and patted her head something which Claire likes but would never admit to. "Shall we go on the ride? Its our turn" both the girl nodded and they got on the ride to enjoy the sight seeing even though Claire is a busy woman Simon insisted she spend the day resting and having fun with Nicolas. Although she protested but did it anyways

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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Ava Blackwood: UtahraptorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang