Chapter 3: Night School

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Erika's P.O.V

"Huh?! Where am I?!" I woke up and I realized that I was lying down on Big sized pink bed. I looked around the room that was decorated in pink and green designs. "My favorite colors" I thought to myself...I suddenly realized that I was not wearing the clothes I was wearing when I came to this mansion. "Wait, who changed my clothes?! Don't tell me that THEY were the ones who changed my clothes?!" I panicked. I was wearing a dark pink nightgown.

I suddenly remembered that I wounded my knee and I fainted in front of them then... 'God I can't remember what happened next, did someone bite me?!' I stood up and looked at the mirror and checked if there were bite marks on my neck.

"Oh thank goodness! I was not bitten." I was relieved.

"Hi Chi-chan. What are you doin'?" Someone whispered behind me and I turned around to see fedora hat guy sitting on the edge of the bed, as far as I can remember his name is Laito, I think.

"You look sexy in that outfit, Chi-chan.~" he said while he stood up and closed the distance between us. I took a step backward until my back hit the drawer and he was getting closer to me until someone pushed him aside.I saw cherry head.

"Hey, Laito. Don't touch my property." Cherry head said. "Uhh, that hurts, Ayato-kun. She's not yet yours, you know? So share her with us." Laito pouted at Ayato. "Tch! Shut up!" Ayato said irritatedly.

"What are guys doing? I just told you to wake her up and tell her that we are going to school." I saw Reiji standing beside the door, glaring at Ayato and Laito. "Damn Reiji!" Ayato cursed under his breath.

"Go back to your rooms and be ready for school. Now!" Reiji shouted. Ayato and Laito suddenly dissapeared from the room. "You too, get ready." He turned around and faced me. "Wait, school at this time of night?" I asked him. "We are vampires and we go to a night school. You're in the Sakamaki household so you have to obey us. Now wear that uniform you see on top of your bed. And by the way, this room is yours." He said demandingly and exited the room.

Time skip~ ( In the Limousine )

I was sitting between Subaru and Shu. It was silent and boring. No one was talking. "They're brothers, right? Why are they ignoring each other?" I thought to myself.

"Erika, drink this cranberry juice. It's good for your blood." Reiji called out to me and gave me a cranberry juice. "Oh thank you." I replied. "No need to thank me. You must be aware that you are our prey." He said.

I was so scared when he said that I'm they're prey. "So I'm just a food to them." I looked down filled with pain and sadness...when I heard music in my ears and noticed that Shu has plugged one of his earphones in my ears. I turned to look at him and saw him smiling a little bit.

Reiji's P.O.V.

"What's wrong with this deadbeat? Suddenly trying to cheer up Erika. This is the first time I saw him behave like this." Reiji cursed to himself.

Time skip~ ( Erika's P.O.V. )

We finally arrived at school. The driver opened the door for us and we got outside one by one. First one to go outside is Ayato, Kanato, Laito, Reiji, me, Subaru, then last is Shu. When I got out of the car I was surprised by how big this school is and it is wonderful. I tried to asked Subaru something. "Subaru, are you all vampires in this school?" "No, not all of us are vampires, there are humans too so don't worry." Subaru answered. "Okay, thanks!" I replied. I never thought that Subaru would answer my question.

The Brothers and I entered the night school. Reiji said that my classmates are Subaru and Ayato. And he told me not to run away because no matter what happens, they'll find me.

(How is it guys? Who is your favorite Sakamaki sibling? Mine is Subaru and Shu!!)

(I think I won't be able to update my story for now because final exams are coming.. Gomen ne minasan!! But I'll still try to update..)

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