Chapter 1

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The air surrounding the meadow was still, peacefully so. Forests lined the hidden clearing behind the castle town of Rustelle, making it a special place for Daliah when she decided to sneak away from the palace. She sat in her flower and grass field, painting a portrait of her surroundings. a stray ladybug zipping past her face and startled her, making the brush slip on the canvas, creating a messy streak, she gasped reflexively.

"Damn!" she exclaimed, groaning to herself. Princesses shouldnt say such words! she could hear her tutor Septa shriek in her head. The large old woman was stern on manners and propriety. Daliah sighed and continued painting the large twisted tree sitting just ahead of her, this was a rare subject. Too beautiful not to paint. She began to hum softly to herself, the brush taking a life of its own with her music to accurately paint this beautiful old tree. The branches twisting and bending like a broken hand outstretching for the heavens, the dark bark that covered the tree in a stark shroud unlike the of the heavily green surroundings. The sky turned from bright blue to a romantic shade of dark orange and red as she painted, the paintbrush guiding the strokes of the sky.

A sudden shudder in the air caught her attention, and she felt eyes on her back. Her heart raced and she felt her breath catch. Someone was watching her, intently. Dahlia continued her painting as if the proding eyes weren't there, ignoring her urge to run and hide from who was looking at her. She felt the presence of whoever it was somewhere in the trees and her heart skipped several beats. The smell of worn leather and vanilla drugging her senses. She hummed softly, hoping they'd reveal themselves.

He stood firm in his place, watching curiously. He felt the pull of something bringing him here, but it was just a black-haired girl in this field. Whats so special about her? he wondered as he watched her pale, delicate hand paint the twisted tree. The gentle melody of her humming drifted to him like a sirens lament, and his skin shuddered as the sound caressed his tender face. He felt the beast inside stir, disturbed by the sound. The black beast that rested in his blood awoke, for the first time in a long while. Sometimes he almost forgot about this powerful creature lying dormant in his body, if it wasnt for it he may not have been pulled here. The girl turned her face, looking to the trees where he stood, and he was struck with her beauty, like a flower or an obsidian crystal. Enchanting in its own right, but so inticing and inviting to look at. He couldnt stop himself as he took a step from the forest that hid him from her gaze.

Daliah watched the tall figure step from his cloak of shadows, the trees seemingly opening for him to pass. She felt her breath hitch, who is this man? She put her paints down as their eyes connected. Green. So green. She thought, staring at his eyes as he drew closer. His presence was overwhelming enough to bring blood to rush to her face and send her heart aflutter. He stopped a few feet from her and she took in a small breath, her hand suddenly shaking as he smiled at her, he broke the intense gaze to look at her painting, before dropping to her level to sit. His eyes seemed to glow in the sunset, along with his milky skin. He had stubble dusting his jaw and neck and dark, oil-black hair.

"Thats a lovely painting." He said softly, his voice silky like velvet pillows. Daliah blushed harder, tucking her paintbrush away.

"Thank you." she muttered, her heart racing, out of fear or excitement, she couldn't tell.

"What may i call you, lovely?" He asked, his voice thick with charm and some kind of primal power Daliah couldn't identify.

"Daliah..." She said softly, staring up at this tall, handsome stranger through her long dark lashes

"Its dangerous for such a delicate flower such as yourself to be out here all alone, isnt it?" He asked, putting a hand out for her to take. She dropped her eyes to look at his hand, it was scarred from ages of unknown adventures, but somehow managed to look so soft. One scar in particular stood out, it crossed the width of his palm and was the width of the blade of a sword. What kind of person was he that he would have such a scar?

"I...Yes." Daliah muttered, placing her free hand in his. Electricity zapped between the two of them, making both of them jump. A breath caught in her throat as he tugged so lightly and pulled her to her feet, she dropped her paintbrush to the ground, dapping the grass in orange paint as he held her close, wrapping his arms around her back.

"You never told me your name." She whispered, her voice so small and breathy.

"Daegon." He murmured in her ear. She trembled slightly as he thumbed her lower lip with a gentleness that sent waves through her jaw and neck.

"What are you doing out here alone, flower?" He asked, his voice had a low rumble to it as he slowly traced her neck with his fingertips, finding himself tempted to bite down on the soft flesh.

"I...wanted to paint. This is a lovely field." she stammered, Daliah felt her skin shake where his hands touched, even through the fabric of her gown, he left an irresistible heat where his hands traced. He chuckled darkly as he slid his hand up the small of her back and into her hair, the gentle scent of flower petals, fine soaps and perfume powders wafted into his nose as his hand moved through her soft raven curls. She leaned her head back into his palm and let out a soft breath, barely perceptible. It took him every ounce of self control to not snatch her away. He sighed as she leaned back up and met his gaze with her crystal-clear silver eyes. It was like two of the finest silver coins had been melted down and cast into her irises. The beast in his blood protested to claim the riches as it saw fit. He almost lost control as two palace guards came rushing into the field.

"You there! Unhand the Princess!" Their commanding voices echoed across the grassy field, the stranger lifted his gaze to look at them and back to Daliah, who was flushed red and panting softly in anxiety and lust. He sighed in defeat as he looked back at the guards, pointing their weapons at him.

"You didnt mention being a princess, flower." he smirked, amused. Of course she would be a Princess. Her stature, her curls, her gown. She wasn't very subtle about it. He released his grip from around her waist and gave a respectful little bow of his head and kissed the hand he held, before releasing her to slip back and away into the forest behind them. She almost fell to her knees as the closest of the guards rushed forward to snatch Daliah away, as he backed off into the treeline, hiding out of sight once again. Her eyes never once left his dark figure as he disappeared into the thick trees. She watched as the piercing green of his eyes reflected back at her, studying her every move.

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