chapter 3

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Daliah followed close after Arture under the secret royal tunnels, her heels clicking quietly on the stone beneath her. The tunnel was damp with humidity and moss, and Daliah internally groaned at the uncomfortable heat that caused her dress to stick to her skin. Arture's gentle hand on her back guided her forward as he pulled an unlit torch from the wall and struck a sparkstone against the flint of his chainmail, with an angry hiss the torch engulfed into a small flame to light the way in the dark tunnel.

"Careful, Princess. This stone is uneven."

"I know, Arture. You dont need to coddle me at every turn." Daliah rolled her eyes, folding her arms to her stomach. She pressed forward ahead of Arture for a while before he squeezed past her to the old heavy wooden door at the end of the tunnel, just becoming visible in the dim light. Arture grabbed the circular iron handle and pulled, the door jerked with a loud thud and protesting groan before stopping for a moment, stuck from poor maintenance. Arture jerked the handle one more time, and the door popped open with an upset creak. The old iron hinges squeaking together loudly echoed through the empty hall of the servant's wing. Daliah slipped off her heavy cloak and draped it over her arm with a soft sigh, feeling the cage of ivory and gold closing around her once more.

So much for today's adventure.

Arture looked around the empty stone hall before gesturing Daliah forward behind him. He led her through the servant's area and took the cloak from her, swinging it over his own shoulders, completing his royal guard's armor set. He strode through the halls chin high, hand on sword. His official stance for the Guard of the Princess, when she was out of her room.

Daliah walked ahead of Arture to the open dining hall, adopting her usual Princess's demeanor. She was surprised to see her father, King Rhoam, sitting at the head of the long dining table, picking thoughtfully at a plate of food.

"Good evening, Father." She said sweetly, smiling at the King. He looked up at her in surprise, clearly not expecting to see her at that moment.

"Ah, my darling daughter. Good afternoon. How are your studies?" Rhoam asked, offering Daliah a soft, adoring smile.

"Very well, just a little slow for my taste. I would care to learn more of our country's history in politics." Daliah said, sitting gently in a chair by her father. He looked taken aback by Daliah's request and pursed his lips behind his graying beard. He nodded to himself after a moment of thought.

"Alright, dear. If you wish. It may turn out to be useful information when it comes to finding you a prince husband." He said nonchalantly, taking a bite of roasted potatoes from his fork.

"Father, i already told you, i don't wish to marry. I want to study." Daliah scrunched her nose in annoyance, all she ever wanted was to learn. Her father always said knowledge comes with burden, but Daliah would rather bear the burden than be ignorant.

"Dear, you must marry eventually. You are part of this kingdom's hope for a bright future. Your brother Icarus may be eldest, but you have every right and ability to ascend the throne same as he does. If you do not marry, you cannot become Queen." King Rhoam said sternly, dabbing his face with a thick cloth napkin. Daliah felt her ears turn red in frustration as a servant woman brought Daliah a plate of food identical to what her father was eating. Daliah lifted her fork and poked a tiny potato, thinking to herself.

"Father, what if i marry for love instead of politics?" She asked, genuine interest dripping from every word.

"Well, let's just hope you fall in love with a prince, then." Rhoam chuckled to himself. Daliah rolled her eyes and chewed thoroughly on her first bite. Her mind wandered back to Daegon, the stranger in the field.

She wondered for a moment if she'd meet him again.

"So darling, speaking of chance engagements, Regalis is hosting the annual Empire's Royal Ball this year. I had hoped that the Grand Duke of Veratas would have hosted this year, but he refused. So its on us." Rhoam sighed, shrugging.

"Be sure to have your best attire ready. This will be your debute into royal society. You're finally old enough and there's no denying it now. Just dont go out of your way to make large impressions, i dont want any extraordinary attention on you when im trying to find a suitable match." Rhoam took another bite of his meal nonchalantly, and Daliah nodded slowly, passionate heart diminished.

"Yes, father." She said softly, continuing to eat her meal in silence. Daliah's father looked over his daughter, and noticed her fidgeting with a new necklace, he raised an eyebrow and as he opened his mouth to ask where it had come from, the main door to the dining hall flew open and Queen Liana strode through in a gold decorated dark crimson dress that swept the floor gracefully, the only sound that echoed through the large hall was the clicking of her heels on the floor as she crossed the room to the table with many letters in hand, absently flipping through them.

"Honey, we have many RSVP's to the Empire Ball, i've already sent out the dress code guides and gambling ring letters, the theme this year is a Masquerade, so natural connections and politics can be made for trade and marriage talks..." Liana rambled  on and on as she handed Rhoam a few letters addressed directly for him. He flipped through the cream and white envelopes, reading the names stamped on them. From Lord and Lady Duvail, a marriage proposal for Icarus. From High Noble Donna Winehurt, a formal letter of thanks for supplies for her winery business, along with an open invitation to the manor for a cheese and wine tasting. A grey envelope took precedence on the top of the stack. He looked curiously at the parchment, setting the rest of the letters down.

From her Royal High Lady, Aurelia Drake, Empress of Wyveria.

Rhoam swallowed. Aurelia's name sent tremors of anger down Rhoam's spine and through his hands. He shook as he held the letter, but carefully opened it. Barely maintaining his composure.

King Rhoam. It is time we put our differences aside. I will be attending the Empire Ball, and i hope to cordially see you there. It has been many years since we shared a meal, and I look forward to it. Good health and wishes, Empress Aurelia.

"Bah!" Rhoam scoffed, offended at Aurelia's words. "As if i would ever be cordial with that thief!" He crumpled the letter and tossed it across the table. It bounced across the dark red knollwood and landed against the candelabra with a soft tap. Daliah raised an eyebrow at the crumpled paper and looked at her parents quizzically. Her mother looked solemn and refused to meet her gaze. Rhoam angrily chewed on his cut of chicken, avoiding Daliah's gaze as well.

"What thief, father? What did they steal?" Daliah asked, earning a scoff from Rhoam.

"She stole what was rightfully ours! That's all that matters." Rhoam took one last angry bite before he stood and stormed from the room, unable to bear the conversation any longer. 

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