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WINGS - a body part of a bird associated with flying. Can also be used in reference with swiftness of movement. 

If someone asked Y/N Arlert what he favorite word was, it would be that word. 


When you think of wings, you think of birds. And when you think of birds, you think of flying. When you think of flying, you think of freedom. 

That's all that she wanted. All that she ever wanted. But something like that is difficult to come by when you've spent your entire life trapped inside walls like cattle. 


Y/N can remember the first time she felt true freedom. 

The earliest time she remembered freedom was running around Shiganshina district with her older brother, Arno. She remembered running down the old cobblestone roads with him and their friends, playing chase and tag. The occasional games of hide-and-seek. 

She remembered her father showing her the stars and pointing out constellations. When she was ten, she snuck onto the roof of their house and looked at the sky for hours upon hours. 

She remembered when she joined the Survey Corps and learned to ride a horse for the first time. She had quite good luck for a beginner and when her horse ran, the wind blowing through her hair, she felt free for the first time in years. 

But the first time she felt true, unbridled freedom was when she first left the walls and into the real world. Into the territory of the Titans, into a place she had never been before. There were new sounds, new sights, new smells. 

The most potent of all being blood after her first encounter with a Titan. 

She remembered that so vividly. She sometimes had nightmares about it. 

Their wide, hunger filled eyes and vacant looks. The way they ran was both hilarious and terrifying at the same time. They struck fear in every nerve of her the first time she saw them. She remembered the smell of blood that they had. She could recall the first time she saw someone die when her teammate was picked up and her head bit off. Blood got on Y/N's cheek. She still could never scrub it enough. 

But that feeling of freedom? That was something she would never trade no matter the price. 

It didn't matter if she had to fight Titans for the rest of her life. If she always had that amount of freedom, if she felt like she had wings every time she left the gates, she would always do it. No matter the cost. And plus, she was good at killing Titans.

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