Weaving Heaven

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"The first three petals, each represents one root of the three poisons: Anger, Desire, and Delusion. The next three petals represent the three opposite roots of three poisons: Wisdom, Generosity, and Loving. Each time that persona and the young master here went through one stage of the roots, the petal that represents that respective root will break. Until this Young Master here experienced all three stages of poisons, and the partner experienced all three stages of the opposite roots, all the petals will fall. That is when your partner's predestined feelings for you awaken from the depth of their soul and they will begin to fall in love with you."


Hello, I am back with a not very new fic. Originally, this fic was written for the Xicheng's fanbook that me and Allenerie did. Since it has been 1 year, I figure I should share this fic now with everyone.

I do have a few other Xicheng fics that I want to finish but I have so little motivation, hopefully the next season of the donghua will give me inspiration to finish them XD

p/s: Again, pardon the grammar....

(See the end of the work for .)

Work Text:

"Jiang Cheng, will you come to my wedding ceremony?"

His brother asked, trying his luck. He knew they didn't have anything to do with each other. Yet, he wanted the only family that he had left to be there at his wedding. He would probably get chased by dogs for this sudden request, but it wasn't just any impulsive thought. He wasn't there for his shijie's wedding day so he didn't have the right to complain if Jiang Cheng declined.

But to his shocking surprise, Jiang Cheng lowered his eyes and nodded his head.

It was certainly a surprise for Wei WuXian. Deep down, he was glad, joyous and happy to know that his brother was going to come. Yet another part of him couldn't understand why. After the GuanYin temple, whatever left of their conflicts and misunderstandings were solved. But as the days and months passed, there was this invisible gap still existed between the two of them. They rarely exchanged letters yet alone talk. Every-time Wei WuXian travelled to YunMeng, they never met.

So it was a gamble, asking Jiang Cheng to attend his wedding. He was glad that he accepted.

"How did you make that obstinate old man agree to this?"

"Lan Zhan, he kneeled in front of the Lan ancestral hall for seven days and nights." Wei WuXian smiled sheepishly, "Even as strict as him, he couldn't stand seeing his nephew go through all that, so in the end, he had no choice."

"Besides, Lan dage too, kneeled with him for the entire week." Wei WuXian remembered. For both of the prestigious two Jades to exhaust themselves like this, even rock would be moved to tears.

"Lan XiChen...How is he lately?"

"He is doing well I think." Wei WuXian replied, "To be honest, Lan dage still locked himself inside his room for most of the day. We don't get to see him unless it is something urgent. Lan Zhan really worries about him, everyone is."

"I-I see..."

"By the way, don't you think it is about time for you to find someone? You are not going to get any younger you know. Better find yourself someone now before you appear all wrinkly and nobody even wants to look at your face." Wei WuXian laughed, "Although with those ridiculous requirements, I doubt there is a single female in the cultivation world even fit...hum...the only one I can think of that fits all that is...Lan dage!"

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