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Spider-Man stands on the top of a building and looks down at the city of New York.

"Beautiful, isn't it, Peter?" A voice says.

Spider-Man turns around and sees a Middle-Eastern Man.

"Who are you and how do you know who I am? No one can know my real name," Spider-Man says.

"It's alright, Peter. I am not an enemy. I am your friend."

"A friend? I have never met you before."

"But you have, Peter. You have heard about me and I know you."

"I am going to ask you again. Who are you?"

"We have a lot to talk about, Peter."

"Like what?"

"I know that you have been struggling."

"Well my life hasn't exactly been easy."

"I know, Peter."

"How could you possibly have any idea of what I have been through? I have lost so many people in my life just from being a hero. My uncle Ben, my girlfriend Gwen Stacy, and countless others. My life SUCKS!!!"

The man walks up to Spider-Man and places his hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay to let it out, Peter. I can take it."

"All my life I have tried my hardest to do the right thing but if the right thing involves suffering I don't want to do it anymore. I am tired!"

"You shouldn't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, Peter. That's my job."

"Your job? Who are you???"

"I have known you for entire life, Pete. I have seen how much of a hero you have become and I am so proud of you. I am Jesus, Peter."

Spider-Man is speechless. He doesn't move a muscle.

"You're-You're him? I have read about you. This can't be!"

"I am he, Peter and I love you more than you can even imagine."

Anger begins to grip Peter.

"Where have you been??? If you are him then you must know how much crap I have been through! WHERE WERE YOU???!!!"

Peter takes his mask off, begins pounding his hands against Jesus' chest, and falls to his knees, sobbing.

"My Uncle Ben gave his life to you and look how you repaid him?"

"We talk about you often, Peter."

Peter looks up at Jesus.

"Why didn't you save Gwen?"

"Free will, Peter. Norman chose to make the decision that he did. Doesn't make it right but it happens."

"What can I do about it?"

"Trust in me. Trust in my plan. Let me give you strength."

Peter wipes the tears off his face.

"My Uncle once told me that with great power comes great responsibility."

"And he was right. Benjamin Parker is a wise man. You have been given a gift, Peter. You have used that gift so well and I am so proud of you for the hero you are. But that's not why I love you."

"Then why do you love me?"

"Just for you. Not what you do or say but just you."

Jesus sits next to Peter and looks out to the sunset.

"So if you are Jesus Christ, then you know what is going to happen next?"

Jesus shrugs his shoulders.

"Yeah, but right now I just care about being with you."

Jesus puts his hand around Peter's shoulder.

"Why did you want to talk to me?"

"I just want to tell you that I love you."

Peter stands up and Jesus stands up with him. Peter wraps his arms around Jesus and hugs him tightly.

"Thank you, Jesus for everything."

What If Jesus Met SuperheroesWhere stories live. Discover now