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Superman soars through the city of Metropolis. Suddenly he hears a loud boom. He flies toward the area where the boom came from. He sees a large building falling down. With superhuman speed he flies into the building searching for survivors. He hears a little girl screaming for help.

"JUST HOLD ON!!!" Superman screams at the top of his lungs.

Superman looks around until he spots a little girl hanging onto a stairwell. He flies down and scoops the little girl into his arms. The girl coughs repeatedly.

"Superman?" The little girl asks.

"You'll be alright!" Superman flies the little girl to an ambulance.

"Th-Thank you, Superman."

Superman listens to her chest for a heartbeat.

"I'm losing her!"

Superman pushes his hands against the little girl's chest.


The heartbeat becomes weaker and weaker. Soon the heartbeat is no more. Superman falls to his knees in despair.

"I-I couldn't save her," Superman says, weakly.

"No! No! No, no, no!" Superman yells, holding back his tears.

Superman flies off into space and begins weeping.

"Why God?! Why couldn't I save her?!"

Superman continues weeping.

"Superman, I want to talk to you," a mysterious voice says.

Superman ignores the voice and keeps weeping.

"Superman, we need to talk," the voice says again.

Superman keeps ignoring the voice.

"Please, Superman. I am here for you. I am always here for you, Clark."

This gets Superman's attention. He flies back down to Earth.

"Keep calling my name."

He follows the sound of the voice until he reaches his apartment. He opens his door and sees a Middle-Eastern man sitting on his couch.

"Umm who are you, mister."

"The real question is who are you, Superman. Or should I say Kal-El or Clark?"

"How do you know my name?"

"I know everything about you, Clark. More than you know about yourself."

"I find that impossible."

"You might soon realize that I am capable of the impossible, Clark. Before I begin I just want to tell you that I love you."

The man wraps his arms around Clark and hugs him.

"It's okay to be sad, Clark. Let it out."

"Who are you?"

"Oh Clark. If I told you then you might not believe me."

"Try me."

"Very well, Clark. I am Jesus."

Superman gasps in awe.

"No! You can't be! How is this possible? Please get away from me. I am not worthy to be in your presence."

"Oh and why not?"

"I failed today. I couldn't save a little girl."

"And why would that make you not worthy to be with me?"

Jesus puts his hand on Superman's shoulder.

"You do not make yourself worthy. Only I make you worthy and I deem you worthy to be with me. I love you for you, Clark. Not your actions and not the things that you believe give you worth. I gave you gifts Clark and you have used them well."

Tears begin to fall out of Superman's eyes. He wraps his arms around Jesus and hugs him tightly.

"You put too much on your shoulders, Clark. You don't need to."

"I am such a mess, Jesus."

"I know, Clark but I still love you."

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