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Batman stands at the top of a rooftop and looks down at Gotham.

"Alfred, do you see the bank robbers?" Batman asks, talking into his communicator.

"It's good to see you, Bruce," a voice says.

Batman turns around and sees a man standing on the rooftop.

"Who are you and how did you get up here? Also, how do you know my name?"

"No need to be afraid, Bruce."

Batman pulls out his Batarang and aims it at the man.

"Not another step closer or I will throw this at you!"

"There's no need to be afraid of me, Bruce."


"Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. I know who you are. You can take off the mask."

Batman takes off his mask.

"I want answers now!"

"Bruce, I have known you since you were born and I have watched you grown. You have done so many great things but you have also gone downhill."

Batman clenches his fist, resisting the urge to punch the man.

"I don't know who you think you are but you have no right to judge my life! Get out of here!"

The man begins to walk away. He turns around at Batman. 

"I am Jesus, Bruce."

Batman stops in his tracks and looks at the man who claims to be Jesus.

"You mean you are-"

Jesus nods.

"And I want to ask you a question: Why do you do what you do?"

"To make criminals afraid. To make them wish they had never committed the crimes in the first place."

"But why use fear? Hope is a more powerful weapon. Kindness, compassion, gentleness."

"Those didn't stop my parents from being gunned down! Those didn't stop Jason from being killed by Joker!"

"I know how much you have suffered, Bruce and it was wrong."

Bruce falls to his knees. He looks down at the ground in shame. Tears fall out of his eyes.

"Why couldn't you stop him?! He took my childhood from me!" Bruce asks.

Jesus puts his hand on Batman's shoulder. Batman looks up at him.

"Maybe he did, but he didn't take away your hope, Bruce. You have tried so hard to do good and inspire people but fear isn't the answer, Bruce. Hope is. You have become this vengeful person and it makes me sad. You are so much more than that. You have a good heart, Bruce and love for others. Use that to help them, not this desire to make people afraid of you."

Bruce wipes his tears away and stands up.

"I never believed in God or you before. Why should I believe in you now?"

"I can't force you to believe in me but I can give hope and satisfaction beyond all understanding. You will never be completely satisfied until you start placing your trust in me."

"My life has never been fair. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH OF A HELL MY LIFE HAS BEEN??!!" Bruce asks, holding back his tears.

Jesus sighs and wraps his arms around Bruce.

"I know, Bruce. I know."

"Why would you love someone like me? Why?"

"Because you are worth loving, Bruce. You only see flaws in yourself but I see potential and so many great things. I am proud of the man you have become and your parents would be also."

"Should I still be Batman?"

"That is up to you, Bruce but remember that being Batman should be about helping people not making people afraid. I love you, Bruce and I always will."

Jesus begins to walks away.

"Wait! I have a question."

Jesus turns around.

"Yes, Bruce?"

"Why do you put up with me?"

"Because I love you, Bruce."

Jesus disappears out of sight. Batman looks back down at the city.

"Master Bruce, our scanner is detecting a robbery in progress."

"I will take care of it, Alfred."

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