Cacky Makeup

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   It was her day after all. After checking 30th time her makeup on the mirror standing just as a fakir on dressing table she confirmed
 "No more cacky..."  
      Cracks always affected Reine and today especially today she desires on top of everything to not face it.  It was her day after all or whatever everyone calls "Her wedding day ". The groom's side is about to arrive. Arni said they are an hour distant.Just hearing they are so close, he is so close something giggles in her belly. With every tick of minute hand her heart is skipping and those cruel butterflies aren't just rolling in her stomach but are also affecting her chest.
When Arni leaves with other girls to check downstairs on guests, she knows she is committing a mistake but still she leaves Reine alone, not whole alone but with her thoughts and a bag stuffed with clothes and cash. Since today is her day then every choice should be hers,only her!
    Dad fixed Reine's marriage few months back against her will. She didn't want to get married but she didn't even knew what choice she should take, she was always bad with choices. At that time knowing her uncertainty dad just said 
" Sometimes we need to change our perspective and accept the foreign change that is offered."

  The crackling of fireworks along with the age old Barat song brought Arni to face the reality. Arrival of Barat is confirmed by the high pitch squeaks of ladies around her
"It's time to face it!"
Leaving the glass still full of water back on  the kitchen counter Arni rushed to the entrance. Though in between she still smashed the backs of a few Aunties, but still she managed not to taste those fat sweat drops on them.
"Phew! I'm still alive !!"
     Arriving at the entrance she stood behind the aunties standing a metre away from the entrance. She saw Tamal, her sister's husband-to-be standing ahead of all the baratis bowing his head in front of mom, his mother-in-law. Even standing at a certain distance from entrance with aunties healthy backs hindrance she still felt his blush rolling all over his face. The only word that escaped Arni's throat is 
"God bless his happiness!"
       With glassy peripheral vision Arni once again looked at Tamal's direction, his smile, his blush, his Happiness. Without waiting for the entrance rituals to end she rushed towards the bride's room like a prey running for life.
But what we don't expect sometimes turns to reality too!
Bride's room was empty. Reine was not there nor that bag. Balcony door was wide open bringing the cool air inside but that air wasn't cooling her it was chilling her.

She left! She left! She left!!!
This phrase was rotating in Arni's head. With waterfall rushing from eyes she stumbled inside the room only to kiss the floor. But that kiss didn't happen, a pair of hands just caught her in time.

"You ok Arni?"

"Aman you!What are you doing here?"

"Oh dear! Answering questions with another question is this new trend!"
He chuckled followed with a soft laugh from behind.

"Di my makeup turned cacky. Thank God it's ok now!"

"What not thanking me !"

"Oh yeah! Thanks to you jij's, you literally saved me on time."
By the time Arni was back on her feet 

"God bless you lass ! It's your day after all!"
After giving blessings to Reine, Aman left saying
"It's sister's time I won't disturb!"

Arni was still on shock but latter's hug melted everything away.
" I'm sorry di ! I didn't leave. It's not that I didn't want to, but this time I don't want to run. I just want to accept that foreign change."

" Are you happy?"

Her words made Arni smile again 
" Me too…"     

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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