Chapter 2: All Powered Up

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<Ralph POV>

Ralph: Sun.. Drop.. Unleash..?

(Suddenly, one of the triangles flew right at me with an incredible speed, so fast it almost cut my head off, but it stopped right in front of me and floated there)

Ralph: Ooh this one's green!

(I reached out to grab it)

Penny: Ralph don't touch it!! You don't know what it is or what it does!

Ralph: Pfft relax penny, I got this

(I reached out and grabbed the triangle, suddenly, there was a flash of light and I was in some weird outfit)

<Penny POV>

(Ralph grabbed the object, causing a flash of light and suddenly he was in what looked like a classic superhero onesie from old comic books, it was primarily brown and green, the most prominent feature being a golden head Crest with a green gem in the center)

Penny: Ralph! I told you not to touch it! Now look at you!

(Ralph looked over himself for a few moments)

Ralph: This.. is.. AWESOME!!! Am I like a superhero now?? What are my powers!?!

(He made a few hand signals before malcolm chimed in)

Malcolm: You idiot! Undo whatever you just did this is my grandma's stuff!!

(I looked around the rest of the attic again, then back to the circular case)

Penny: Actually.. this is the only thing in this attic that isn't dusty, malcolm where did your grandma get this?

(Malcolm shrugged)

Malcolm: Don't ask me. (His face turned to a scowl as he looked at ralph) but if this moron breaks it my parents will fricking kill me

(Ralph had a devious smirk on his face)

Ralph: Or are you just jealous that I'm a super hero and your not

(Malcolm went red in the face for a second before angrily rushing to the case)

Malcolm: Gimmie that!

(He swiped another one of the objects)

Malcolm: What did you say before? Sundrop unleash?

(Suddenly a flash of blue light enveloped malcolm, he appearing in a similarly styled onesie, this time it being blue, the head Crest was also a headband with a blue gem in the center)

Malcolm: Woah.. this is kinda cool

Ralph: Told ya!! Now c'mon let's try out our powers!

(He returned to doing hand signals granting an eye roll from malcolm)

Malcolm: Quit it with the hand signals!!

(He thrusted his hand forward, causing a large blast of water to shoot out, barely missing Ralph and blasting a hole in the attic wall)

Ralph: That was the coolest thing ever!!

Penny: Careful you could have hurt him! Or worse!

Malcolm: Hey it's not like I knew I could shoot water!!

Axel: I wanna shoot water!!

(He dove for the case but i intercepted him and grabbed it)

Penny: Nooo way! We have enough weird super powered people here already

(Suddenly ralph chimed in)

Ralph: Guys! I think I figured it out!

(He thrusted his arm forward, causing green energy to surround his arm, it wrapped around an old lamp and yanked it towards him, the lamp hitting him in the face)

Ralph: Owww...

Thomas: M-maybe we should take this outside.. I don't want to ruin grandma's h-house..

(I put a hand on his shoulder)

Penny: Thomas is right, if your going to do that stuff then do it outside

<Ralph POV>

(We went outside, avoiding malcom and Thomas' grandma)

Ralph: Ok! Time to test out some super powers!!

(I aimed my arm at a tree, and sure enough, that green energy came back and pulled me towards the tree, but this time I didn't crash into it, instead repeating the motion and swinging between the trees)

Ralph: This is so cool!!

Penny: Careful ralph! Dodge around the trees or you're going to hurt yourself

Ralph: Nope! Superhero doing superhero stuff at the moment!

(Malcolm thrusted his arms a few more times at another tree, short water blasts pummeling it)

Malcolm: I take it back, this is really cool!

(I swung down and crash landed next to the group)

Ralph: We need hero names!

(Just then mark off cut me off and held his phone to everyone)

Axel: Or you could fight real criminals! There are a few thugs going around town lately, rumor has it they're gonna hit the mall next!

Ralph: To the mall it is!

(Malcolm smirked and faced the town)

Malcolm: Then let's do this!!

(Malcolm aimed both his hands down and flew off using water as propulsion)

Ralph: Aww man I wish I could fly!

(I turned to mark off)

Ralph: Mark off, you gotta drive me to the mall!

Axel: Aye aye captain!

(Everybody got in mark Off's van, with me riding on the roof, and he sped off, towards the town)

A/N: Yooo hasn't been as long since last time homies, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I didn't wanna cut it short but I didn't want it to be too long. Anyways, BREAD OUT!!!

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