The Yearning

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  It was a typical Friday night...Katrina was getting ready to head out for a night of karaoke and drinks with a few friends. Once the makeup was done and outfit was on, she was ready to head out the door. As Katrina drove her usual route to her favorite bar, she noticed something in dark of the woods she passes on her way. Normally she would ignore some random object, but something felt like she needed to investigate. She pulled into the park entrance, knowing it closes at dark, and found a spot to park deeper into the trail as to not be spotted. She gets out of the car, feeling an unusual chill in the air for a warm summer night. Katrina opened her back door and grabbed the hoodie she always kept with her since she is perpetually cold. Looking to check no one (especially the cops or rangers) were around, off into the woods she went. Katrina felt drawn to something. Deeper and deeper into the darkness she went, the yearning for the unknown beckoning her. Realizing she had been walking for quite some time, Katrina sat on a tree stump she found nearby. Taking in the night air, Katrina breathed deeply into an almost zen-like state.  Suddenly behind her, she hears cracking of sticks. 

  Katrina quickly opened her eyes, looking through the trees with the aid of the moonlight. The cracking started getting closer and closer. Katrina  felt uneasy now...whatever was out there meant her harm. Katrina stood up, trying to not be too obvious how afraid she was. As she began to quietly walk back in the direction she was sure she had come from, Katrina felt in her gut she was in danger. Her footsteps came to an abrupt stop as she saw a lanky dark shadow a few feet in front of her. He looked menacing, something was definitely wrong with this guy. Katrina didn't want to take her eyes off the shadow, but she began hearing loud footsteps coming from behind! Katrina turned away from the man to prepare for whatever was coming her way.

  As she turned, a figure with white hair and a cloak almost leaped over her. This person gave off a different energy for sure. And behind the spry jumper was another figure. Heavy bootsteps and a rattling of chains was all Katrina could hear. The first figure had knives they had lunged at the shadow with while the other came up and released those chains to entrap the shadow into the ground. Katrina just stood there in shock and disbelief of what just took place right before her eyes! How did she end up here.....oh yeah, the yearning.

  Once the confrontation had concluded, Katrina could overhear her perceived heroes begin a conversation. Katrina crept closer to try to hear and also to thank these two for saving her life. As she got closer, she now knew the white haired knife wielder was a female and the chain keeper was a man with a deep, intimidating voice. "Demeter, this is the 4th one this week...the Twisted are becoming more braisen" the man said. "Well that's good for us Karsh...easier to take them down and get them off the streets" said the female. So...Demeter and Karsh....interesting names....but what is a Twisted?? And what is going on?! All of these thoughts consumed Katrina's mind as she crept closer to get a better look of these two and maybe ask some questions. Just as Katrina reached an opening close enough to get a look at all 3 figures in the forest, she peeked up and they were gone! Before the confusion even had time to set in, Katrina felt a hand on her shoulder.

  Shaken and unable to stop herself, Katrina jumped and quickly spun around. Demeter's hand gripped her shoulder in slight irritation "Who are you? What are you doing here? Or better yet...HOW did you get here?!" The tone of her voice shook Katrina to her core. Though not as much as Demeter's appearance. White hair, pointed elven ears, red eyes, pale skin, some dark makeup across her face, and fangs?! Trying to process everything she is seeing, Katrina froze in fear....was she really saved?? Suddenly Karsh appeared behind Demeter "You are scaring this human Demeter....wait how'd she get here??" Hearing that deep voice, Katrina looked past Demeter to see exactly what this Karsh looked like. He stood tall, a chain around the neck of his long jacket that zipped from the top to bottom. His hood came up around a mask...what was he hiding? Karsh examined this human as well, how did she get here? Why was the Twisted watching her?

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