The Yearning: Part 4

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DZ helped Demeter get Karsh into his chair "What the fuck happened Demeter?" DZ almost growled as he spoke, not being informed on what was happening. "We tried to find Munk! He might know that Jester may have been behind his attack. But it's a full moon.....and you know Munk cannot control himself on his best day" Demeter looked at her bloody hands, irritated she couldn't protect Karsh "and I really don't need your attitude DZ!" Katrina saw big scratches on Karsh's side through his coat "Can you two stop arguing and fucking help me?!" She tore Karsh's coat open and saw the deep scratches on his side "I need some clean warm water, alcohol, and some type of clean cloth!" DZ and Demeter looked down at Katrina "NOW!" they exchanged a glance then set off in different rooms to seek the items she needed. "Karsh?! You're going to be fine. I may not be a nurse, but I know quite a bit of first aid from being soo clumsy!" Katrina chuckled, trying to hold back the tears and panic she felt. Karsh panted heavily in pain "Oh I'm sure you do" a bit of blood escaped his mask as he laughed. "Shhhh......just try to sit still" Katrina wanted to playfully banter with him, but her worry was growing. Katrina looked behind her, wondering where the hell those two were "Katrina...." Karsh's words grew labored "I hope DZ wasn't too much......I know he can be a LOT sometimes." Katrina giggled "Nothing I can't handle" she leaned in and kissed Karsh's mask as DZ came up behind her.

"Here" DZ held out towels and bandages "I'm surprised Karsh even had any of these!" DZ chuckled as knelt down beside Katrina. "Thank you" Katrina took them and turned towards the noises coming from the kitchen. "I've got it!" Demeter sprinted from the kitchen with a bowl of water and a bottle of vodka "Only alcohol he has!" she knelt on the other side of Katrina. "It'll have to do" Katrina took a towel and dipped it into the water, hesitant to press it against Karsh's wounds. "Katrina?" Demeter placed a hand on her shoulder, reaching out for the bowl "If you can't, I'll do it." Katrina looked determined "I got this!" She slid between Karsh's thighs, looking as calm as she could muster "This is going to hurt.....I'm sorry" Katrina pours the alcohol onto his wounds and Karsh winced, an audile groan bolting from his mask. Katrina looked at DZ and Demeter "Someone hold him still" she held back the urge to just hold him, knowing his wounds need cleaned. Demeter stands to get behind Karsh "No Demeter.....I'll do it" DZ stood and stepped behind the chair with a grin "It's my pleasure." DZ grabbed Karsh's arms, Karsh reacting to the pain of his arms being lifted "BE CAREFUL YOU DICK!" Katrina glared up at DZ. " apologies" DZ was taken aback at Katrina's boldness. Karsh chuckled and coughed "Shut up Karsh!" DZ held Karsh in place.

Katrina wiped Karsh's wounds with the warm water, trying to be an gentle as possible while still being efficient. "Do you have any sewing materials? These are going to need stitching." Katrina saw how deep the cuts were. "I think I have some in there" Karsh points to the other room that looks almost like an office. Demeter walks in and starts to look for needle and thread. Katrina, focused on tending to Karsh's wounds, couldn't feel through her panic and anxiety Karsh staring down at her. She usually always felt when eyes were on her, but in this moment her mind was too focused on saving the man she was starting to love. Demeter's swears could be heard from the other room, quickly followed by a "Ah Ha!" as she barreled into the room with needle and thread in hand "finally found the fuckers!" Katrina looked back at Demeter and reached for the materials, knowing full well she has NEVER stitched someone. "Allow me....I have done this before" Demeter holds Katrina's hand with the items inside "Just distract him so I can make this quick." Katrina held Demeter's hand a moment, wanting to do it herself "You are right" she relinquished the items to Demeter and got a grin before settling next to Karsh and holding his hand "They are already looking better.....Demeter knows what she's doing" Katrina's words started to quake as the anxiety of the last few moments started to dwindle.

Demeter makes quick work of starting to stitch Karsh up and he made a few grunts and winces along the way. Katrina sat diligently by his side, holding his hand and trying to keep it together. Karsh looked over at her, wiping a single tear that began to form "Are you alright? This has been quite the evening huh?" Karsh chuckled and coughed up more blood. Katrina felt she was ready to burst into tears, but held it back "I'm just happy you are here and......well not okay, but in good hands." She smiled softly at Karsh and could feel him doing the same. "Finished!" Demeter sat back in the chair, catching her breath from the tense few moments since their return. " going to fill us in on exactly what the hell happened out there?" DZ released his grip on Karsh and pulled the other chair into the room. Demeter looked at him, unsure on even how to begin "Well we went out to find Munk. I heard that Jester was behind his and his girlfriend's attack. I knew that if I heard it, then there was a big chance so had Munk. And we all know how he would react. So I came here to let Karsh know and he suggested we go find Munk before he did something he'll greatly regret." Demeter sighs "Tonight was not only a full moon....but a Super moon. And we all know Munk can barely handle his transformations on a regular full moon!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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