The Yearning: Part 2

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  Katrina turned away from the roaring fire, startled by Karsh's sudden realization. She didn't belong in the Land of Ishness....but she most certainly didn't want to leave! This night had been the most amazing experience she's had in years; possibly her whole life. This enchanting place gave her such a sense of euphoria. Katrina had a difficult time feeling comfortable in most situations. Being an empath, the emotions of others and her surroundings overwhelmed her more often than not. But being here with Karsh, she felt at ease. Getting lost in her own thoughts, Katrina gazed at Karsh and was unsure what to say in response. Karsh looked at Katrina and could tell she was perplexed. Maybe his statement came out in a way that seemed insensitive. Karsh didn't want her to leave, but knew she must.

  "I'm sorry about that" Karsh wanted to break the tension of his outburst. Katrina smiled at him and wanted to tell him how much she wanted to stay, but she also realized she did need to return home. Maybe she would be able to return, spend more time with Karsh and even see more of this place. "It's ok...and you are right. I should probably get back home. friends are probably worried about me" Katrina chuckled softly. Karsh thought about it a moment, realizing how late it was "You should stay through the night. We can set out in the morning and figure out how to get you back home". Karsh lead Katrina to his bed, gesturing for her to lay down. Katrina got comfortable and Karsh hesitated before joining her. They both fell into a deep slumber, exhausted from the events of the day. 

  Waking up with Karsh's body against hers, Katrina didn't want to completely awaken. Getting up out of this bed meant she'd have to leave and she wasn't ready for this to end. Would she make it back here? Does Karsh even want her to? What if this is really it? All these thoughts flooded her mind as she tried to shift her mind to remembering the glorious night they shared. Karsh started to wake and Katrina settled her mind to prepare for their goodbye. Karsh turned over, and being still half asleep, was almost startled by there being a another person there. "Morning" he grumbled as he began to arise. Katrina turned over and draped her arm over him, looked up into his eyes, and quietly let out a "morning" with a smile. Karsh looked down at her, knowing this day was going to be goodbye, and laid his hand on hers. They sat in silence for a blissful moment.

  Karsh turned away and stood over the bed "We have to figure out how to get you back home". Katrina reluctantly got up and nodded in agreement. "Man....I really don't want to ask her, but I think we may have to get Demeter involved" Karsh was not pleased with going to Demeter.... there's going to be so many questions! Karsh lead Katrina out of his home and into the woods. Katrina followed close behind, knowing she would get lost quickly if the distance between them increased. Karsh had quite the stride, so Katrina had to keep a brisk pace to keep up. Suddenly, Karsh stopped. Katrina was overwhelmed with anxiety...not all her own. Karsh's hands formed a fist as his eyes traced the woods. Katrina got close, but not too close. She could feel the anger rising in him. What was he seeing she wasn't? 

  Katrina looked over at Karsh who looked ready to pounce....something. Katrina squinted to try to see what it was. Then, like a flash, she saw something go by. Katrina gasped and Karsh took off in pursuit. Before Katrina could protest him just leaving her alone in the woods, he was already too far away for him to hear her voice. " I'm alone in the woods....again" Katrina rolled her eyes and battled with whether to keep walking or wait. She decided to keep going. Possibly she'll run into Demeter and get help returning home. As she began her journey to somewhere, she began to feel her stomach rumble. She hadn't eaten anything for many hours and the hunger started to set in. Katrina looked around the woods to see if there was anything edible in sight. These woods had to be similar enough to the ones back home that she could find something to eat. A few feet away, she saw some berries on a bush. Katrina walked over, plucked a few from their branches, and held them in her hand. Are these safe to eat? She knew which ones were safe at home, but were they the same here?

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