Return of the Roar

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 It was another beautiful day in the Pride lands. Amina was on Pride Rock looking for her best friend, Kion, Simba's son. They grew up together so it made since. They were going to play Baobab Ball with Bunga, a honey badger. She heard Simba say to his daughter, "Everything the light touches is part of our kingdom. The Pride Lands. Ruling it is a big responsibility, Kiara. And someday, when you're queen..." She then got distracted by Kion yelling, "Heads up! Incoming!" She laughed and joined them. Simba grunts as Kiara yells, "Kion!" Kion laughs and looks at his family, "Sorry, Dad. Me, Amina, and Bunga were playing Baobab Ball..." She laughed more as Bunga said, "And Kion couldn't handle the pass!" Kion looks at Bunga, "What? A giraffe couldn't handle it. You kicked it over my head!" Simba looks shock, "Kion!" She laughs harder and said, "Even I could handle that." Simba looks at her and said, "Amina!" Bunga continues, "And you couldn't handle it!" Simba sighs, "Bunga..." Kion playful said to Bunga and Amina, "Yeah? Try to handle this!" He tackles both of them. Kiara sighs as Simba said, "Children" They stopped as Simba, "Kion, I need to talk to your sister. She'll be tracking gazelles with her friends today." Kiara giggles and said, "Because I'm training to be..." She was interrupted by Kion, "Queen of the Pride Lands. Yeah, yeah. I know all about it, Kiara." She scoffs and said, "Least I have my life figured out. What are you gonna grow up to be, little brother?" Kion teases her, "Happy?" Simba shook his head, "All right you two, that's enough. Kion, why don't you, Amina, and Bunga go play somewhere else?" Before anyone could say anything, Amina's father walks up, "Actually Amina needs to do her training as well. After all she is betrothed." She sighs and look at her father. She had completely forgotten about it. She sat down as Kion looks at her and she could tell he wasn't happy. She sighs again, "Daddy it's only a prince. I can train with Kiara later." That's what her father told her: she was engaged to a prince. But she didn't see Simba and her father smiling at each other. She also didn't know that Kion is whom she was betrothed too. Simba looks at her, "It's ok Lou. She can go play with them." Kion and Amina smiled at her father with a pleading look (photo. pretend its Amina and Kion) as Amina's father sighs, "Fine. But be careful, Amina." He nuzzles Amina as she went with her friends. Bunga was excited, "Yeah! I know the perfect place! Hey, Kion! Amina!" He stops and said in a sing-song voice, "You'll never get the baobab fruit, no." He continues singing. Kion laughs, "Ha! You got nowhere to go, Bunga!" Bunga laughs, "Says you! Zuka Zama! Catch me if you can, Kion! Amina!" Kion laughs, "Game on, Bunga! Later, Dad. Have fun tracking those gazelles, Kiara. I gotta get Bunga!" Kion chased Bunga and Amina chased them.

Amina caught up to Kion and they were laughing chasing Bunga. Little did they know that Zazu was watching them and smiling. He thought to himself, 'The king will be happy to see this.' They saw Beshte, the hippo, and smiled. He looks at them, " Bunga. Kion. Amina." She chased the duo some more till they reached the outlands. Kion said, "Gotcha now, Bunga!" Bunga teases him, "Not yet! Cheka, cheka, cheka!" He messes with Kion and Amina stopped, "Uh guys..." They didn't listen as Kion said, while laughing, "Stop it! Bunga!" Bunga gets the baobab ball and laughs, "Got it! Whoa..." He then drops it. It went into the Outlands. Kion sigh, "Aww. It rolled into the Outlands. Game over." She nodded and sat down next to Kion. Bunga looks at the, "Says who? I'm not afraid of the Outlands." Kion nods, "Neither am I! It's just... My dad! He says we shouldn't..." Amina shudders, "I'm afraid." Kion looks at her as Bunga said, "Oh! Puh-leeze! Simba's a big ol' scaredy cat when it comes to the Outlands. You know what my uncles always say!" Kion and Amina both sighed and said, "Hakuna matata." Bunga went in the outlands. Kion sat down and they heard Bunga yell. Kion and Amina went to the edge. Kion laughs a bit, "You look a little stuck." Bunga scoffs, " You kidding? It's just a tree branch. Uh... Zuka Zama!" He gets down. Amina waited with Kion until they saw Hyenas. She stood up as Kion asks, "Amina, where are you going?" She looked at him, "Hyenas are heading to Bunga. I'll distract them." Amina went into the Outlands as she heard them laughing. She got to Bunga as he said, "Here we go!" She then heard Kion yell, "Heyvi kabisa. Bunga! Amina! Heads up!" Bunga looks at Kion, "Relax, Kion. Remember? Hakuna..." They then heard someone growling. Bunga continues, "Matata." Kion yells at us again, "Get outta there, Bunga! Amina!" Bunga yells, "Okay, hyena. You wanna see what this honey badger's made of? I'll show you what I'm made of!" He gets picked up by one and the other pinned Amina down. Bunga yells, "Hey! Lemme go so I can show that other guy what I'm made of!" She snaps at the one holding her down, "Let me go!" Kion yells again, "Hyenas! Put Bunga down! Let Amina go! Pick on somebody your own size!" The one holding Amina down looks at Kion, "Kion! You want the honey badger and lioness cub? Come and get them!" Kion yells at him again, "Let them go! You hyenas don't want any trouble with my dad." The hyena laughs, "Ooh. Like how you'd get into trouble if you came into the Outlands?" The two hyenas laugh. Bunga was nervous as Kion was getting angry, "Uh, Kion?" The hyena holding Bunga laughs, "He's too afraid to come down here." The other one joins, "Yeah! 'Fraidy cat!" The both chanted, "'Fraidy cat! 'Fraidy cat! 'Fraidy cat!" Amina sighed as the one holding her said, "All right, yeah. Fun's over. Janja needs his lunch." Bunga was nervous and so was Amina, "Lunch?" She heard Kion yell, "No! Let them..." He then roars loudly and the sky had clouds with lions in it. The Roar blew the hyenas away. Bunga laughs, "See ya, hyena! Wouldn't wanna be ya!" Amina ran to Kion as he said, "Heyvi kabisa! What was that?" Bunga was excited, " Zuka Zama! Kion, how'd you roar like that?" She was worried a bit as he answers, "I dunno, Bunga. Wish I did, though." Bunga cheers, "Well however you did it, it was un-bunga-lievable!" Amina smiled, "Kion! You saved us!" She nuzzled him in happiness, "Thanks." They started to head back home and she started to blush. She didn't know Kion was blushing too.

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