Alina's past

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     This is will be a bit before the Lion Guard was formed. It'll show how Alina grew up and met the others. She'll be with the others in babies of the Morning Report episode

     It was another day in the Pride Lands. Simba and Nala were enjoying a walk with their new cubs: Kiara and Kion. Zazu was flying over head and he saw a another family. They are a family of light brown lions and they look like they just escaped a battle. The father was very weak from the fight and the mother was worried about her cubs. The cubs were about the same age as Kion. Simba and Zazu rushed to them as Nala stay with her cubs. Simba asks, "Is everything alright here?" The lioness looks up, "Sadly, no. Our home is lost. We are all that's left." Simba turns to Nala and nodded. She walked to them with her cubs. The father spoke in a raspy voice, "My name is Lou. This is Maya, my mate and the oldest cub is my daughter Amina and the younger is my son, Kondo." He took in a breath and continue, "We are from the Sun Lands." Simba and Nala were in shock. Simba asks, "The Sun Lands? My father told me that were at peace with them." Lou nods, "Yeah my father established the peace. He was king at the time." Simba and Nala was even more worried. Why was the royal family of the Sun Lands here? Simba helps Lou up, "What happened?" Lou and Maya were scared at first. Maya finally answers, "Scar's followers. They attack. I know he's gone but he wanted the peace between the Sun Lands and the Pride Lands destroyed." Simba and Nala helped the parents get to Pride Rock while Kion and Kiara went to the cubs. The oldest of the two from the Sun Lands was standing in front of brother. She asks, "Who are you?" Kion looks at Kiara, "I'm Kiara and this is my younger brother, Kion." The cub then looks at her brother, "I'm Amina and this is my twin brother, Kondo." The lighter colored cubs nod and helped them get to Pride Rock. Simba and Nala had a place for the family to rest for a while. They decided not to tell the cubs about the Sun Lands until they are a bit older to understand what happen.

Seven Lion Years later

     Some time has passed and Kion and Amina are the best of friends. They did everything together and even become part of the Lion Guard. In fact, they are now a patrol when Amina spotted something. Amina saw a shadowy place that looked abandoned and it was beyond Mizumu Grove and the Outlands. She stops and Kion saw this so he stops. The others continued on, seeing that Kion wanted to be alone to see what's wrong with Amina. He goes up to her, "Amina, is everything okay?" Amina turns to him, "Yeah, it's just.." she sighs and looks back at the shadowy place. She took a breath, "It's just that shadowy place feels familiar." Kion nods and sat down, "I think we should go to our parents and Rafiki." Amina nodded and they went to find their parents.

     Kion and Amina found Kiara and Kondo near Rafiki's tree. They heard their parents and Rafiki whispering. Now all the cubs were confused of what was going on. Rafiki spoke, "I know we all saw the sign about Kion's Roar but there is a rumor about the Sun Lands and Amina's connection with the spirits." Amina looks at the others and said quietly, "Sun Lands? Spirits?" The cubs all looked at each other and Rafiki was talking to the parents when he noticed the four cubs. He chuckles and said, "It seems that we have listening ears." The parents all turn and saw the cubs. Lou turns and Mya smiles softly as Nala gestures, "It's ok children. We were about to send Zazu to get.." She stops when she noticed the worried look on Kion's face and how Amina look like she saw a ghost. Maya asks, "Amina, dear? Are you ok?" Amina nods as all the cubs sat down with their parents. Amina spoke, "Mom? Dad? On our way back from patrol, I spotted a shadowy abandoned place beyond Mizumu Grove and the Outlands. When I did, I felt like it was a familiar place." Maya and Lou looked at each other. You can tell that they aren't ready to tell the cubs, but they're all looking at Maya and Lou. Lou sighs and looks at Simba, Nala and Rafiki. Rafiki nods and Maya sighs. Lou turns to the cubs and sat in front of them. He started, "Well, children, we were going to tell you cubs when you're older, but I guess that time has come." He took a breath as Maya and all four cubs gather round him. The cubs all sat in front of Lou in the order of Kiara, Kion, Amina, then Kondo. Simba and Nala sat beside Rafiki since they all remembered what happened. Amina asks, "What is the Sun Lands and what about that shadowy place?" Lou shushes her, "Amina, I'll get to it." Amina then lower her head in embarrassment as Lou continues, "You see, cubs. Our family isn't exactly from the Pride Lands. Have any of you heard of the Sun Lands?" All of the subs shook their head no. Lou nods, "The Sun Lands and the Pride Lands were at peace thanks to King Mufasa and King Reth, my father."

     This caused all four cubs to be shock. Amina asks, "You mean grandfather was a king? So this means....?" Lou nods, "Yes, Amina. You and your brother and the Princess and Prince of the Sun Lands and the last cubs of the Sun Lands." Amina was shocked and asked, "Ok, I guess. But what does that have to do with the shadowy place?" Maya spoke up, "That shadowy place is where the Sun Lands are. That's why it felt familiar to you." Amina nods and sat down. Kondo asks, "Mother, what did happen to the Sun Lands?" The parents all looked at each and Simba looks at Kondo, "This is actually where we met. Your parents had just escaped an attack by Scar's followers. They believed that the peace should be broken. " Amina and Kondo's ears are down. Maya nods sadly.

     Rafiki then interjects, "But, there is a legend that a great savior will return and save the Sun Lands. Though that legend was made a long time ago. It's like they knew this would happen one day." Amina looks at him, "But, All the cubs nod and went to their own ways. Kondo went to the watering hole while Kiara went to her friends. Kion and Amina started to head to the lair. Amina was silent as Kion looks at her, "Amina, are you ok?" Amina sighs as she sat down in the grass near the Lair, "Not really, Kion. I'm just hurt my parents didn't tell me about the Sun Lands." Kion nods and sat beside her, "It'll be ok. We'll figure this out together and I promise I'll be there for you like you are for me."

     This caused Amina to smile and nuzzle him as they arrived at the Lair. Amina went to her rock and Kion went towards Beshte's pool. The others started to arrive to prepare for the evening patrol when Fuli was waiting with Bunga, Ono and Beshte. Bunga saw that Amina hasn't said a word all evening. He asks, "Amina, are you ok? You barely spoke at all since you came back from Rafiki's." The others look at her as Amina sighs, "Bunga, I just found some strange news that I'm still trying to process. I mean it's not everyday you find that you're the princess of the Sun Lands that were taken over many years ago." Bunga, Ono, Fuli and Beshte was shocked while Kion sighs. He didn't know what to do about anything of this. He knew that Amina was confused about everything and how she needed him. He looks down as she leaves to be alone while she thinks.

     Amina was walking through the Pride Lands alone and looking down. She sighs as she sat down. She had no idea what's going on and she laid her head on the ground. She was just so confused about everything and she felt her whole world was flipped upside down. Little did she know that things happened for a reason and someday, she'll save her home lands alongside Kion. Rafiki goes to her, "I know this is a lot to take in, but just like Kion, you have a special gift, Amina. You'll find it one day. That day, you'll save the Sun Lands." This left Amina even more confused but determined. She now knows that even though she is confused, she'll have her friends by her side.

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